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"Tempus Fugits". Only a few more weeks remain in which you can prepare
your film for the Amateur Cine Film Open Award 1952. Here is an opportunity
for you to put your knowledge and experience of cine filming to the test. The
rules for this contest are few and sill'lple and do not debar anyone from taking
part. The award is also open to cine clubs as well as the lone worker.
I. All entries must be made on Pathescope stock.
2. Subject to be of your own choosing.
3. The film should not have been entered for any previous competition.
4. The film may be any length, but for preference it should be between 200
and 300ft.
5. The film should be titled.
6. The completed film together with an entry form from the Pathescope
Monthly should be sent by registered post . to Pathescope Limited t'o
arrive between January I st and January 31st 1953.
7. The films will be promptly returned when judging is completed in February.
The following awards will be made for the best 9.5 mm. amateur film
I st I Lt~rge Shield
2nd } lesser shields
Six certificates of merit will be awarded to the best runners up in this
Both shields and certificates to become the property of the successful
competitors. :
. For the encouragement and interest of 9.5 mm. users copies of prize-winning
films will be made and subject to the owners approval will be freely loaned to
cine clubs and similar bodies.
Start the New Year right by sending in YOUR entry for the Pathescope
Amateur Cine Open Award 1952.
195 2
I wish to submit the enclosed 9.5 mm. film for the Open Amateur
Film Award 1952, and agree to the rules as specified and to accept the
decision of the judges as final.
M ..
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