Page 11 - pm_1952_01
P. 11
The Not So Silent Sereen
The projection season is once again Record. "Enigma Variations".
upon us, and although, this winter, a Theme. Start disc.
fast increasing band of "nine-fivers" Sub-title : "W a.s beguiled to the
will be able to entertain their friends Isle of Monte Chr~t~".
in grand style, with sound films made Record :-"Scott of the Antarctic"
available by Pathescope, there are I st side. Start 2 inches in.
many thousands more who will still use
Starting positions on the record,
the silent screen. other than at the beginning of the
Of these, it is surprising how relat-
ively few present their films with in- groove, may be measured with a ruler
or better, with an oblong of white
cidental music, a procedure adopted
cardboard, as per illustration. , .
Successful choice of appropriate
music is largely a matter of musical
General Knowledge, and here, gaps
may perhaps be filled by seeking the
advice of a musical friend, and by
making notes, of music, heard on the
radio, and before long a comprehens-
ive list of suitable music to fit most
\ \\ ~ ~ ~~~
moods and situations shou'd be com-
~'-\\\~~~ to avoid the well-known, since the un-
piled. Generally speaking, it is better
tend to prove somewhat distracting.
Ho:e ftlt.'"9 over expected strains of a familiar melody
l"~rnh>.ble s~indle . Still, one might be excused for play-
by the .professionals in the earliest ing "Coronation Scott" during a perc
days of the Cinema. The modern formance of the "Flying Scotsman",
amateur, through the medium of the or the "William Tell" Overture during
electric gramophone, has at his dis- the chases in "Freedom for Ever".
posal the best music played by the Some choices spring immediately to
world's finest orchestras, and when he mind, Sibelius' I st Symphony, to-
employs them to add a further "dim- gether with the magnificent grandeur
erision" to his films, he will have taken of "Pitz Palu" provides a spectacle
a:· step towards ·greater enjoyment not easily forgotten, whilst Ludwig
that he will never regret. Berger's classic film "Cinderella", ac-
'The technique of adding incidental companied by Prokofiev's Ballet Suite
music is not difficult, nor need the of the same name, becomes unbeliev-
equipment be elaborate, one, or pre- ably beautiful and moving.
ferably two record players, a wireless The degree of synchronisation be-
set with P.U. input and a table lamp tween music and the actors' move-
bei11g all that is necessary, apart, of ments, although usually accidental, is
course from records, which may be frequently quite remarkable, and it is
borrowed from many Public Libraries. sometimes difficult to persuade mem-
The cue-sheet is compiled after bers of the audience that the music
vlewinq the film once or twice, and was not composed especially for the
lists those parts of the film where film ! -However, the fact that many
record changes are to be made; for of these doubters have since joined
example:- the ranks of home-movie enthusiasts
Film. Sub-title: "You allowed seems to prove that my efforts have
matters to take their course?" been worth while. R. STUBBS.
Page Eleven