Page 13 - pm_1952_01
P. 13

           Y.B.  looks  at  coin  and  makes  topical  remark.  Y.M.  looks  astounded.  Y.W.
        is  overcome by mirth.  Fade Out.
                                            A  simple  theme  like  this  can  quickly
                                          be changed to suit cqnditions.  An epis-
                                         ode  during  a  fami:y  Xriias  dinner with  a
                                         garrulous neighbour delaying the start of
                                         the  appetising  meal,  causing  havoc
                                         amongst  the  hungry  family  or  a  man
                                         attempting  to  repair  a  radio  set amidst
                                         interruptions  from  his  wife.  Using  this
                                          particu:ar type of form,  the four sequen-
                                         ces can  still  be  applied.
                                           We presume that the story is now  com-
        (3)                               plete  and  satisfies  the  individual  or
        group.  So  a  simple shooting script is  the next transition -  this decides the type
        of  shot  to  apply  as  the  short  story  unfolds.  It  must  be  emphasised  that  prior
        to writing  the  shooting  script,  one  vital
        factor must dominate all others,  that is  a
        SILENT  film  is  being  made  and  gesture
        and  mime  must  play  a  large  part  in
        explaining  the  plot.   Moderation  is
        very  essential,  because  mime  overdone
        becomes  banal.   The  actions  must
        be  subtle,  each   player   must   be
        assisted  by  shots  of  explanatory  ob-
        jects  to  convey  clarity  to  scenes  that
        relying  on  action  alone  become  ambig-                       f4)
        uous  or  over-emphatic:.
           A simple example of shooting script is as follows :-
        Sequence  (1.)   I.  Long  Shot   Man talking seriously to Girl (Proposal).
                      2.  Close  Up   Engagement Ring  in  box.
                      3.  Mid.  Shot   Girl looks  shy and suitably awed.
                      4.  Long  Shot   As  I.
           Length  of  each  take  is  dependant  on  several  variables-economy,  mood  of
        scene, etc.  Always  overshoot and edit on  cutting  bench.
        Sequence  (II.)   5.  Long  Shot   Small boy appears from  left carrying  book.
                      6.  Close  Up   Title of book "Financial Times".
                      7.  Long  Shot   Small boy sits down beside sister and reads.
                      8.  Mid.  Shot   Man  embarrassed  by  boy's  appearance
                                     becomes  annoyed  -  Girl  glares  at  brother
                                     who  unperturbably  continues  reading.
        Sequence (Ill.)  9.  Mid.  Shot   Idea  strikes  man  who,  putting  hand  in  pocket,
                                     passes boy a  coin.
                     I 0.  Mid.  Shot   Girl looks  relieved,  boy looks  interested.
                     II .  Close  Up   Boy  ponders then speaks.
        Sequence (IV.)  12.  Insert  Title   "How  about the  increased  cost  of living!!"
                     13.  Mid.  Shot   Woman  and  especially  man  look  dazed  and
                                     then amused.  Fade out.
           It would  be very easy to re-write the above shooting script and change camera
        shots, alter angles.  It is advisable to always be prepared to re-write script several
        times,  because  that script is  the  mould  for  the finished  result it must  be flexible.
        Theme  is  important  but  is  completely  overshadowed  by  its  treatment.
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