Page 16 - pm_1952_01
P. 16
~~Your Questions An ... ,,,,~,.,.,,
Q. I would like information on Superimposed titles. Which 1~ hor.t, tltl .. , ' · '~ " "
before background or vice-versa.
Also is it any help to you to know the subject of a film for pH•• .,.,,lltot '·'Y
titles, interiors, etc. 7 H. H. R<Jovo. l'nrhl"""
A. It is always advisable to take the title first-one can thon <Jhllrf" tiro '"'"''''
from the wording and reading time. Photographically, provldnd n dond
black title card is used, one can take either the title or tho b11dqr cound lrr ·. l
If a customer has exposed titles, it is advisable to state thi~ ·f11d wlrorr f.,,
warding the film for processing. It is of no advantago to si·nln nuy "'''"'
A. Tilston, Zncl T .A.I . I
Q. Many people spend half their time wondering what to film nnd IIVIIIl nftcoo
many hours of thought are still undecided. Would it be possiblo lo l'"loli·.lo
ideas for films or film scripts in the P.M.?
A. We could publish such themes but this would destroy a grollt d11nl of tl, ..
pleasure which can be obtained from deciding what to film. A rnnful til' I
is to decide upon the category into which the intended film is to bn pin• "' ,
e.g. comedy, documentary, drama, etc. Having reached a d ocision "I""' I
this point and decided upon a subject then we suggest thllt •lh< nrli< f,,
"Your Laboratory Manager Says" may prove of interest.
Q. What is meant by the speed of film 7 H. Irving. Lyton-on I Y""·
A. The speed of film is its sensitivity to light. The degree of sO n 5i~ivity i·.
computed sensitometrically into a unit form, which is called spood rnlinq.
A fast emulsion, that is an emulsion that will respond to less light th11n 1111
ordinary type, is designed for use in interior shots or exterior scono•, wltlr
very poor light conditions. A faster emulsion will have a largor r111inq
number than a slower one. For example VF 32"Sch. 31 °8.S.I. is much fMtr n
than SS with 26.Sch. 25°B.S.I.
is offered by the following dealers i
Norman Grut, 5 The Pollet Guernsey Silent
Whitby & Sons, 43 Whitley St., Reading
Whitby & Sons, 75 Queens Rd., Watford ,, '
Seymour Harrison, 21 Pontine St., Folkstone '
T. Whites & Taylors, 36 John William St. Huddersfield
of I' It i
Elena Mae, I High St., Dundee .. P<>td nl ~ !Jf vl1 •I ,,
Mason's Chemists, 61 Baxter Gate Whitby i
E. C. Paine, 82/3 Bartholomew St., Newbury t
Brown, Muff & Co., Market St., Bradford lo l
Plymouth & Devenport Cine Service, 23 Union St., I
· Stonehouse, Plymouth Soun d "
John Stewart, 60 Chapel St., Hamilton Sound & Sil un1· ~ I
Campkin, I Rose Cr.escent, Cambridge Sound .l
Rainbow Film Library, 4 Laslett St., Worcester Silent
A. B. Thomas, 6 Colin Parade, Colindale, N.W.9 Silent l
NOTE : The following dealers no longer operate Library services :
S. J. Herbert & Sons, St. Thomas's Street, Weymouth.
Morris, Kingsland High Road, E.B.
J. F. Usher, Guiseley, Leeds.
London Co-op Chemist, Grange Road, Leyton.
P ublished by Pathescope Ltd., North Circular Road, N .W.2, and P rinted by Albert Clark & Co., Ltd. ,
· Cri cklewood, N .W.2.