Page 26 - VMM_dec1951
P. 26

            Our  congratulations  go  to  the  printers   GERMAN  GOODS
          ·of  "Victorian  Movie  Makers,"  Messrs.   Although   accomplished   with   very
          McKellar  Press,  of  Malvern,  as  a  member   I ittle   fanfare,   duty-free   status   was
          of  their  staff,  Ron  Halliday,  has  been   granted  to  certain  German  goods,  in-
          acclaimed  outstanding  compositor  ap-  cluding  photographic  commodities,  at
          prentice  of  the  printing  trade  for  the   the  end  of  September.
          year,  and  was  presented  with  a  certi-  This  step  was  taken  by  most  of  the
          ficate  by  the  Premier  of  Victoria  (the   members  of  the  United  Nations,  who
          Hon.  J.  G.  B.  McDonald) .  As  employers   have  formally  declared  cessation  of  war
          and  tutors,  McKellar  Press  also  received   with  Germany.   Little  effect  is  expected
          a  similar  certificate.          on  local  markets,  because  the  amount  of
             I.M.P.T.  XMAS  CABARET        duty  represents  comparatively  little  in
            The . Annual  Christmas  Cabaret  of  the   the  finished  retail  price,  and  overseas
          Institute  of  Motion  Picture  Technicians   increases  balance  out  this  small  reduc-
          will  be  held  on  Wednesday,  12th  Decem-  tion,  plus  the  increase  of  sales  tax.  All
          ber,   at   the   Dorchester,   Alexandra   in  all,  the  change  has  been  beneficial,
          Avenue.   Tickets  are  available  from   even  if  only  sl ightly  so.
          Leray  Film  and  Radio  Productions,  I 003
                                            fiLMS  FOR  SALE.-A  large  selection
          High  Street,  Armadale,  and  Cine  Service
                                               of  good  use:J  16  mm.  Sound  Films.
          Pty.  Ltd.,  368  Post  Offic·e  Place,  Me l-  with  drawn  from  our  Library.   Cartoon,
          bourne.                           Comedy,  Travel,  Sport  and  Adventure,
                                            colour  and  black  and  white.   Write  for
               KODAK  PROCESSING            complete  list.   P.J .P.  PRODUCTIONS,
            Several  comments  have  been  made   Box  23,  Post  Office,  St.  Kilda,  S.2.
          about  the  delay  in  return  from  process-  F.QUIPMENT  FOR  SALE.-Kodascope
          ing  of  Kodachrome.   We  understand   Projector,  16  mm.,  Model  D,  with
          that  it  has  been  due  to  a  thorough  over-  case,  reo;i<t<Jnce,  reel  and  spare  400  waa
                                            lamp,  £35.  Radiant  Glas.,  Beade::!  Screen,
          haul  of  the  processing  equipment  follow-
                                            6  ft.,  on  tripod  stand,  with  carrying  case,
          ing  the  visit  of  an  American  expert,  and   £20.   New  Bell  &  Howell  800  ft
          that  all  of  the  back-lag  should  be  over-  16  mm.  Sound /Silent  Film  Repeater
          come  by  the  end  of  ~ovember in  pre-  Unit,  £75.  New  16  mm.  Rewinds,  1600
                                            ft.  capacitv.  £4 /2/10  each  .   P.J.P.
          paration  for  a  clear  field  for  the  holiday
                                            PRODUCTIONS,  Box  23,  Post  Office,
          rush.                             St.  Kilda,  S.2.  Telephone:  LA  5757.
                      MONTHLY  FILM  GUIDE

              Recently  reorganised  and  redesigned,  this  magazine  caters  for  those
              interested  in  film  appreciation,  and  focusses  attention  on  the  work  done  by
              producers,  directors,  cameramen  and  other  artisans  of  the  c;nema.   Each
              issue  also  includes  a  su rvey  of  dosumentary  and  amateur  films  for  use  by
                  film  societies,  amateur  cine  groups  and  cultural  organisations.
              SUBSCRIPTION  is  only  12/-, znd  may  be  had  by  writing  to

          26  DECEMBER,  1951.   •   VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS
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