Page 21 - VMM_dec1951
P. 21


       ciated  at  the  earlies  possible  moment  by
       the  Committee  of  the  V.A.C.S.
       Monday,  9.30  a.m.  to  11  a.m.
         Final  discussion  amongst  cine  dele-
       gates  on  judging  of  amateur  film  com-
       Monday,  2 .15  p.m.  to  3.30  p.m.
         This  has  not  been  scheduled  as  yet,
       but  a  socia l  get-together  has  been  sug-  COATED
         These  sessions  have  been  so  designed
       that  cine  amateurs  will  be  able  to  attend
       al l  amateur  cine  sessions  and  yet  not   LENSES
       miss  any  lecture  on  the  making  of  films
       and  other  technical  sections.

         New  prospective  members  have  re-
       cently  arrived  with  sons  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.
       Neil  Smith  and  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Ray  Green -
                                           will  give  you  better,
                                           s h a r p e r  pictures  every
                                           time  because  light  trans-
           FILM  LIBRARY                   mission  is  increased  at
            16  mm.  SOUND  AND            every  surface,  the  lens
               SILENT  FILMS               speed is increased  by about
          including  Full  Feature  Films   half  a  stop  and  contrast
             from  35/- per  Night.
                                           is  noticeably  improved.
           Also  Comedies,  Cartoons,
           Travel,  Sport,  Ga zettes,     Any  lens  can  be  coated
             Australian  Subjects.         expertly  and  quickly  at  a
          New  Films beir.g continually    small  cost.  Send  your lens
                                           for  treatment.
          Write  or  Call  for  Comprehensive
                  Catalogue  to
          HERBERT  SMALL
                   PTY.  LTD.              E. N. WATERWORTII
            308  COLLINS  STREET,            PARK  STREET,  HOBART,
                MELBOURNE.                        TASMANIA
                 TEL.:  M  1418.

                               VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS   •   DECEM BER ,  1951.  21
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