Page 17 - VMM_dec1951
P. 17

A  special  feature  on  this  night  was
                                         the  screening  of  "Strange  Fascination,"
                                         a  16  mm.  sound  film  made  by  a  former
                                         Melbourne  amateur,  f;A.r.  J.  D.  Berte!,
                                         of  " Journal  Films,"  Sy~E!y.  It  was  well
                                         filmed,  and  an  inspiration  to  all  amateurs
          Wednesday,  17th  October,  was  the   Mr.  R.  C.  Reid's  16  mm.  colour  film,
        night  for  the  preliminary  editing  of   "Roaming  Around  the  World."  This  was
        the  V.A.C.S.  Instructional  Production,   part  of  the  series  made  by  Mr.  Reid,  and
        "Scuttled,"  filmed  last  month  at  the   covered  the  U.S.A.   rather  thoroughly.
        Social  Hall,  Y.M.C.A.   Firstly,  the  pro-  Detroit  and  a  golf  championship,  a  base-
        duction,  as  returned  from  processing,   ball  game  by  night,  and  Broadway  (both
        was  screened  for  the  benefit  of  all  mem-  filmed  with  daylight  Kodachrome),  be-
        bers,  and  then  several  groups  were   fore  Washington  and  New  York  Filmed
        formed,  and  each  dealt  with  a  certain   with  a  Keystone  camera.
        aspect  of  the  film,   editing  certain   Mr.  H.  A.  Tregellas'  16  mm.  colour,
        sequences;  and  the  tit! ing  was  then   "Brisbane."-This  was  a  100ft.  reel  of
        done  before  the  audience,  which  was   film  returned  from  processing,  and  was
        gathered  around.   As  several  exterior   taken  during  recent  holidays  on  a  Cine-
        scenes  yet  have  to  be  taken,  they  wi II   Nizo  camera.
        be  done  separately  and  incorporated  into   Mr.  Wesley  Smith's  16  mm.  colour
        the  finished  production,  to  be  premiered   film,  "Melbourne,  Garden  City,''  showed
        at  the  Members'  Film  Night  on  30th   many  interesting  aspects  of  the  city,
        November.  •                     port  and  the  gardens  area  and  riverside.
                                         Filmed  on  an  E.T.M.  and  Paillard.
          Many  of  the  newer  members  were
        astonished  at  the  great  change  made   Mr.  W.  G.  Nicholls'  16  mm.  colour,
        after  the  smal l  amount  of  editing  neces-  "Tony's  Ninth  Birthday,"  was  the  last  of
        sary  after  the  filming,  done  in  sequences.   the  16  mm .  members'  films  screened,
                                         and  was  taken  at  his  home  recently.
          Wednesday,  24th  October,  was  de-
                                         Points  of  interest  were  that  some  of  the
        voted  to a  special  screening  by  Tex  Glan-
                                         shots  were  taken  interior  with  the  f I 1 .5
        ville  of  his  8  mm.  films,  "In and  Around
                                         lens,  with  the  Hyper-Cinor  wide-angle
        Japa111,''  taken  during  his  recent  tour  of
                                         used  on  the  Pathe  Webo-Special.   An-
        this  country,  where  he  was  with  an
                                         other  point  was  that  some  of  the  exterior
       .entertainment  troupe.  These  films  were
                                         shots  were  taken  late  on  a  winter  after-
        taken  under  all  circumstances,  and  show-
                                         noon,  almost  at  sunset,  with  the  lens
        ed  all  parts  of  the  country,  particularly
                                         wide  open  at  f I 1 .5.
        the  people.  Mr.  Glanville  gave  a  com-
                                           After  the  interval,  when  supper  was
        mentary  with  his  films,  whilst  Mr.  Max
                                         served  by  the  committee  of  ladies,  the
        Edwards  acted  as  projectionist  for  these
                                         8  mm.  films  were  screened.   A  point
        colour  films.
                                         during  the  night's  screening  was  the  in-
          Wednesday,  31st  October,  was  Mem-  terest  of  several  members  in  the  cameras
        bers'  Films  Night,  the  first  for  several   used  by  all  members,  and  these  were
        months,  and  a  good  programme of  mem-  obtained  and  have  been  detailed  through-
        bars'  films  were  screened.    out  these  notes.
                              VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS  e   DECEMBER,  1951.  17
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