Page 18 - VMM_dec1951
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THEATRETTE NEWS-Continued. .. were screened on the Wednesday even-
ing, and the prize-winning films were
Mr. H. L. Anthony's 8 mm. colour
screened on both Thursday and Friday
personal scenes were amongst his first
efforts, filmed on a Eumig. These in-
cluded scenes of Burwood Wild Life An excel lent audience on the Thursday
Sanctuary and the Zoo, the Air Pageant say the trophies awarded to most of the
and the Speedboat Racing at Albert Park. Victorian prize-winners, and the table,
with the trophies, looked magnificent.
Mr. B. Vosahlo's 8 mm. colour, The awards were made after the films
"Week-end in the Congo," were the had been screened, and the trophies
final members' films screened. Take on donated by the various firms were
a Paillard L.8, they have the audience awarded after President Keith Green-
glimpses of country rarely seen, even on wood had handed over the trophies
the screen. Mr. and Mrs. Vosahlo have donated by the V.A.C.S.
spent about five years there, and these
films were taken on the Congo River,
the boundary between French and Bel-
Plans are coming on for the Christmas
gian Congo.
Party of the Tasmanian Amateur Cine
31st October was also the closing date Society, which meets at the Chalmers
for the V.A.C.S. Five Best Films Com- Youth Centre, corner of Harrington and
petition of Jubilee Year, and eighteen Bathurst Streets, Hobart. The Secre-
entries were received and judged on tary is Mr. J. Val lance, 129 Warwick
Sunday, 4th November, et the home of Street, Hobart, Tas.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Knobel, to whom our
thanks are due.
Although the number of entries was
less than last year's, it was generally
conceded that the standard was fully
equal to previous competitions. The PRODUCTS
four adjudicators were the same panel
as last year, and the new system of DISC RECORDERS
judging, tried out at the 9.5 mm. ' com- TAPE RECORDERS
petition (see report in last month's issue SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS
of "V.M.M.") . It seems that this sys- MULTI-SPEED TURNTABLES
tem gives the best results and allows MICROPHONES
adequate attention to be paid for all -and SPECIALISED
aspects of the films entered. Details ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT
are given in the article in this issue of
"V.M.M." Byer Industries
Pty. Ltd.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,
14th to 16th November, saw the screen- SOUTH MELBOURNE
ing of entries in the Jubilee Year Five
MX 4238 -- MX 4239
Best Films Competition. With one ex-
ception, films which did not gain a place