Page 19 - VMM_dec1951
P. 19


                   VICTORIAN             t;J ......•...........•. , .. ,,,,,,,,,, ....•... ,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, •...•..• GJ
                                           SUPPLY  CO.

                                                 PTY.  LTD.
       * "KALEE"  16  mm.  PROJECTOR
                                            330  ELIZABETH  STREET,
         The  Kalee  16  mm.  silent  projector  is
       now  on  view  at  York  Camera  Shop,  295   MELBOURNE.
       Little  Collins  Street,  Melbourne,  who
       have  also  been  appointed  agents  for  the   At  CAMERA  SUPPLY  CO.
       Paillard-Bolex  range  of  cine  equipment.
                                             16  mm.  PAILLAKD  BOLEXES
       * RADIO  SESSIONS                       available,  complete.
         In  addition  to  the  "Smile,  Please,"   Also  now/  available- Special
                                               Pistol  Grip,  which  gives  the
       session  conducted  by  Ray  Chapman  and
                                               camera  accurate  balance  and
       sponsored  by  York  Camera  Shop  on  Sun-  steady  picture.
       day  mornings  at  10.30  over  3AW,  two
                                             EMIL  CAMERAS,  8  mm .,  Tur-
       new  sessions  by  photographic  houses  are   ret.   Complete  Outfit,  £145.
       row  being  broadcast.   These  are  spon-  Model  C96,  fitted  with  2.7
       sored  by  Carr  Camera  Co.  ( 3XY,  5  p.m.,   Lens,  £49/10/-.
       Sat~·rday)  and  Iiford  (3DB,  4.15  p.m.,   LENSES  in  Stock:
       Sunday).                              XENAR:  16  mm.,  150  mm.,
       * V.A.C.S.  LIBRARY  ADDITIONS          100  mm.,  75  mm.,  50  mm .
         Two  new  books  of  the  Focal  Press   ROUSSEL:
       series  have  been  added  to  the  V.A.C.S.   15  mm.,  1.5.
                                               1",  1.9.
       Library.   These  are  "How  to  Cartoon"
                                               3",  3.5,  at  special  price  of
       and  " How  to  Edit."   These  are  well   £24/10/-.
       w:::>rth  while  for  any  filmer's  library.
                                             GILKON  REWINDS  for  8  or
       * LIBRARY  HOLIDAYS                     16  mm.
         News  has  been  received  of  the  closing   DEKKO  PROJECTORS,  500  W.,
       of  several  of  the  non-commercial  lib-  £65.
       raries  over  the  holiday  period-Shell   REELS  and  CANS,  all  sizes.
       Company,  from  1Oth  December  to  14th
                                             SPECIAL  BERTRAM  UNIVER-
       January,  and  State  Film  Centre.     SAL  EXPOSURE  METER,
       * MELBOURNE
         The  closing  date  of  the  Melbourne
                                            All  Cameras  and  Equiment  now
       G rnm.  Movie  Club  Competition  has  been   av;~ilable  by  easy  payments.
       altered  to  8th  December.   The  public
       ccreening  wi II  be  at  the  Burwood  Recep-  FOR  EVERYTHING  CINE
       tion  Rooms,  Hawthorn,  and  the  prize>
       <Jre  we·l  worth  winning.   Details  are   Camera  Supply  Co.
     '  nvai lable  from  Mr.  L.  Mitton,  c/o  Cham-  Phone  - - - Central  4234
       ber  of  Manufacturers  Insurance  Ltd.,  3 1 2
       ~"linders  Street,  Melbourne.   (!]nlllllllllllll!llllllllllll l 1111111111111:: Ill; I  I IIIII! l llll:lllllllJ• dl
                             VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS  e   DECEMBER,  1951.  19
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