Page 23 - VMM_dec1951
P. 23

Commercial  Film  Processing
                                  By  A.  HALSEY.
            Mr.  Halsey  was  with  the Technical  Department  of  the  J.  Arthur  Rank  Organisa-
        tion  at  Denham  Studios  Laboratories,  England,  where  he  was  maiJ.Iy'lresponsible  for
        the  development  of  the  film,  "Great  Expectations,"  from  the  original  camera
        negatives  to  the  final  exhibition  prints.   It  must  be  remembered  that  all  com-
        mercial  film  is  made  negative/positive  (not  reversal),  and  that  the  studios  do
        their  own  monochrome  processing.  Colour  film  is  not  done  by  Denham  Laboratories,
        but  by  the firm  whose  process  is  used,  such  as  Technicolour.
            Mr.  Halsey  is  not  connected'  with  the  film  industry  in  Australia,  although  he
        was  engaged  in  this  industry  in  East  Africa  after  leaving  England  prior  to  coming
        to  Australia.
                                    PART  II.
        Changing  Types  of  Film.       the  developing,  ac id  stc•p,  rinse,  fix,
          To  change  from  one  make  of  film  to   rinse  and  drying  sections.
        another-say,  from  Kodak  to  llford-  "Gamma  Strips."
        the  blank  film  leader  is  threaded  into  the   A  "gamma  strip"  or  control  strip  is  a
        machine,  and  the  word  is  then  phone:J   short  length  of  film  which  has  been  pre-
        down  to  the  chemists.  The  next  film  is   exposed to a  known  degree,  and  is  spliced
        loaded  ready  for  the  chemicals  to  come,   in  at  least  every  2000  ft.  to  ensure  th;;t
        and  the  complete  change  of  chemicals   development  is  being  carried  through
        takes  about  15  minutes.   In  this  period   correctly.   This  strip  of  film  is  always
        all  chambers  are  emptie:i,  flushed  w;th   cut  from  the  make  of  film  being  used,
        water  under  high  pressure,  checked  with   and  may  be  read  on  a  sensitometer,
        I itmus  paper  to  see  if  any  traces  of  che-  giving  exposu re  time,  etc.,  any  defects
        mical  remain  in  the  flushing  water,  and,   being  known  immediately  and  corrected.
        when  this  paper  is  clear,  the  new  chemi-  A  control  staff  is  responsible  for  th ,~
        ca l  is  pumped  in  and  word  phoned  up  ~o   checking  of  each  gamma .
        the  operators  that  it  is  now  O.K.  to  com -
        mence  operations  with  th8  new  film.
                                           The  operator  at  each  end  of  the
        Rate  of  Film  Travel.           machine  works  in  a  "safe"  light  accord-
          The  complete  machine  is  driven  from   ing  to  his  work.   There  are  lights  at
        a  large  dynamo  th rough  a  belt  drive  and
                                         each  end,  which  throw  directional  beams
        a  main  shaft  through  bevel  gears  to  the
                                         on  to  the  part  where  the  operator  works.
        actual  d ri ven  sprockets  in  the  chambers.   At  the  threading  end  there  is  a  posi-
        The  spee:J  is  controlle:J  by  a  gear  lever
                                          tive  .03  controlled  light,  covered  by  a
        on  a  dial,  which  is  measured  in  minute>   filter  according  to  the  type  of  film  being
        -  maximum  speed,  l  minute,  down  to
                                          used-negative  or  positive.  At the  take-
        minimum  speed,  l 5  minutes,  graded   up  end  it  is  merely  a  controlled  white
        i·hrough  -1- and  -l- minutes.
                                          light,  used  against  cream  walls.   Ther<.
          Four  to  four  and  a  half  minutes  is  the   is  no  partition  or  screen  between,  the
        normal  setting,  and  this  is  the  time
                                         whole  machine  being  visible  from  either
        taken  for  development  to  be  completed
        -through  the  three  developing  cham-
        bers-or about 20 to 2 5  m1nutes through     (Continued  next  page)
                              VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS  e   DECEMBER,  1951.  23
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