Page 10 - RD_2019-09
P. 10

The intermittent movement with pressure plate and cover removed, reveals again that Paillard
        Bolex has created a new simple and ingenious design for the H16 Reflex. Two lateral guide
        springs hold the film accurately in the film channel. The pull down claw is lightly spring loaded
        against the film. It is driven up and down by a rotating pin on the driving gear. When the heel of
        the claw reaches a sprocket hole at the top of the stroke it drops into the hole and forces the film
        down exactly one frame. Then, on the return stroke it rides out of the hole - still resting on the
        film, until it engages the next hole and the cycle is repeated, acting rather like a pawl and ratchet
        system. The fine precision of this simple movement produces rock ready pictures even at 64 f.p.s..
                          The disadvantage of the system is that the film
                          cannot be driven in reverse - until Bolex added a
                          second pawl like claw that instantly engages the
                          film  the  moment  the  driving  gear  is  reversed,
                          pushing the film back up through the gate - in
                          reverse. At the same time the forward movement
                          claw is retracted clear of the film. Truly ingenious.

                          Should the claw miss a sprocket hole on changing
                          from  reverse  to  forward,  a  small  eccentrically
                          mounted  sprocket  will  engage  the  film  and  re-
                          form the correct sized bottom loop. I have never
                          seen this idea used in cameras before - projectors
                          yes, but not cameras.

                          Believe me the movement is light but robust. It
                          will do a lifetimes work and still produce a rock
                          steady picture.

                                                       Left: The reflex prism is hinged to
                                                       lift right up for easy cleaning, and
                                                       a new improved filter holder was
                                                       supplied  to  fit  the  larger  filter
                                                       slot. A filter holder with or with-
                                                       out a filter m ust always be insert-
                                                       ed to prevent fogging through the
                                                                 The  remote  trig-
                                                                 ger  release  at-
                                                                 tachment  with  a
                                                                 long cable release
                                                                 was   ideal   for
        Above:  Another  feature  of  the  Reflex  was  a  built-in
                                                                 shooting titles and
        fading shutter, used for in-camera fades, dissolves and  single  frame  ani-
        exposure control. From the locked fully open position    mation.
        shown,  the  lever  is  pulled  out  and  set  for  exposure
        control on the  /2 or 1 stop calibrations, or it can be
                                                                    Every  camera
        evenly lowered all the way (with the camera running) to
                                              has a small crank handle supplied for winding the
        obtain a fade out. The reverse applies for a fade in. An  film in a forward or reverse direction. This allows
        automatic RX fader attachment was available to do the  dissolves,  fades  and  superimposed  titles  to  be
        job automatically. Directly behind the shutter control  accurately done in the camera. The spring motor
        lever was a new one frame per turn motor drive shaft.
                                              must be disengaged when using the crank handle.
        10  REEL DEALS    June 2020
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