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Kev Franzi's Fragments

                      The Archaeology of the 20th Century

                              Memories of 'The Belle'

        Sydney  had  always  been  regarded  as  the  In the early 1960s I worked at Cambridge Film
        production  centre  for  feature  films  in  and TV Productions located on the first floor
        Australia.  It  had  the  purpose-built  studios,  of a factory in Pelham Street, Carlton, fitting
        large  film  processing  laboratories  and  the Melbourne criteria perfectly. A first floor
        numerous   technical   support   services.  film studio, without a lift, was just madness.
        Melbourne  was  definitely  the  “poor  country  From  time  to  time  we  were  visited  by  high
        cousin” with a few small studios located in old  flying  British  or  Hollywood  filmmakers
        converted factory buildings and supported by  investigating the production facilities available
        a  couple  of  good  but  small  scale  in Melbourne for their proposed “Australian”
        film  laboratories.  The  studios  survived  by  feature film. Following their brief survey, they
        making  television  commercials,  documen-  all beat a hasty retreat back to Sydney ... with
        taries and short animation films.   one exception.

        Below: Shooting a paint commercial at Cambridge Studios in the early 1960s. Our famous 35 mm Mitchell
        camera is inside the sound blimp, with Cameraman John Atkinson awaiting the cue to ‘roll it’ from Director
        Dennis Trewin (below). Standing behind John, I wait for my cue to lower the crane for the big close-up. This
        was the dolly/crane and camera (less blimp) we used to shoot Konstantin Kaiser's Volkswagen film.

        4     REEL DEALS   September  2021
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