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“The submarine pens.”
“Higher and colder to reach the
best operating altitude of 25,000
ft. Here it's 40° below; take off a
glove and you'll lose a finger.”
"Now the approach to target “Now the flak stops - that means
begins." fighters lurking against the sun.”
“Flak so thick you can get out and
walk in it.” “Fighters at 10 o’clock - coming
in on half roll - get her up Chief.”
"Formations echeloned to the left
and right, stepped up and down
to give the calibre 50 machine
guns a protective cone of fire that
covers the sky in every direction."
"36 aircraft left this field this
"This B17 has an engine on fire- morning. - - that's 23"
but keeps on its bombing run."
“The exhaust gases mixing with
the cold air create vapour trails
- signposts in the sky for the "Here's No. 24 with a hunk of tail
enemy to see.”
“Bombs gone!” missing."
6 REEL DEALS September 2021