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Konstantin Kalser of Marathon International
Pictures, New York, was the personification of
the Big American Producer - complete with
entourage armed with pen and notebook and
large Polaroid camera. He was loud, almost
aggressive, and wanted direct “no bullshit”
answers. “You have a 35 mm
American Mitchell camera ... Good! With a
blimp?” “Yes”. “Bausch and Lomb lenses. Are
they colour matched?” “Er, yes”. (We
wanted the job.) “Can you take that- what is
it?- a Technicolor Camera Dolly - on
location?” “Yes” (if we can ever get it
downstairs again). “Okay. What about lighting Apparently Mr. Kaiser made very good films.
... A few 2K Spots. Is that all? Christ you can't He had secured the contract to produce all the
light a factory interior with that lot.” promotional documentaries for the
(We could.) “I'll have to get the Brute Arcs and Volkswagen Company, in Germany and
generator truck down from Sydney.” (Wow! throughout the world. Melbourne and the
This bloke really is in the Big League.) Clayton factory were to feature in his
next production, and a 16 mm “Doco” was to
be made for the local VW Company as well.
Having survived KK's quiz, Cambridge got the
"A simple hauling
job - to deliver job of filming the two productions under the
these bombs to direction of the Big Man. Location shooting
specific points in was to start immediately. I went along in the
Wilhelmshaven, role of Production Assistant as the film was to
Germany, that is be edited in New York and my expertise as an
the job of the Editor was not required.
Memphis Belle"
Needless to say the Hollywood style shoot was
an eye opener. KK's loud and frequent use of
four letter words (some I couldn't even find in
the dictionary) made us cringe. He never spoke
directly to any of the workmen or technicians
... always through the Unit Manager or Factory
"The Ground Crew Manager.
do their job as
well as it can be The location shooting proceeded at a great
done - perfectly: pace. We had filmed a beautiful sequence of
but they know
that when your springtime in the Dandenong Ranges,
ship leaves today complete with apple blossoms in full bloom
you may never see and a stunning young lady holding a beautiful
it again". bunch. (I believe she went back to New York
with KK .... “to become a Film Star”). The
"The wheels of the lunch break was taken at a cafe in Olinda and
Memphis Belle as usual the technicians were segregated -
leave the friendly occupying the table behind the management
soil of England for group. In the course of conversation with my
the 25th time." mates, I mentioned I had a 35 mm Technicolor
REEL DEALS September 2021 5