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value of his system. His aim
was to put the clearest possible
pictures into the minds of his
audience, whatever the subject
of the film may be.
Looking at a short length of
movie film, Jamison realized
that on a 4 foot length of
35mm film he could put over
50 individual images – every
single frame could hold a clear
sharp picture on this little strip
of film –Wow! All that was
needed was a tiny projector
and screen to use it. He
designed and manufactured
the complete system for the
production and use of “Film
Strips”. His “Film Strip”
system provides the cheapest
and most efficient teaching
tool for single use or mass
production in the world – quite
an invention.
In the early 1920s he
establishes the Jam Handy Part of a Jam Handy 35mm educational film strip.
Organization in Chicago to
produce 35mm educational films, industrial their salesmen to illustrate the great features of
training and sales promotion films, 35mm the Chevrolet Vehicles then provides the films
filmstrips, audio visual equipment and and equipment to convince their customers of
displays. His new business can supply every the products value. His efforts saved the
aspect of production “In House” with top Chevrolet Division from closure and was so
quality production from script to screen – and successful that GM invited the JHO to take
beyond. over the promotion of the entire GM Range.
THEN CAME 16MM FILM. So the whole JHO operation shifted to Detroit
where they established a huge Production
It’s not hard to imagine JH’s excitement in Centre and Sound Stage that in years to come
1923 at the release of 16mm film and the would provide services far beyond the
potential it has for his business. He gears-up to automobile industry – with production on a
utilize that potential. But there’s a large cloud scale that is breath taking.
on the horizon –.
Next Issue: Part 3.
As the Great Depression of the late 1920s 16 mm in WW2, then TV and beyond
spreads across the world – the US General
Motors Company prepares to close down its
entire Chevrolet Division due to lack of sales. All photos from Kev Franzi’s Australian
JH offers to help them with his sales Image Collection.
promotion ideas and technology. He re-trains
8 REEL DEALS June 2023