Page 5 - RD_2023-03
P. 5

The idea of creating a worldwide market for  THEN   CAME   THE   GREAT
        home  movies  was  vigorously  pursued  by  DEPRESSION - A devastating drop in sales.
        George  Eastman  and  his  Kodak  Company
        with rapid improvements in their camera and  But  now  a  new  technology  in  the  form  of
        projector design and the precision equipment  Talking  Pictures  offers  new  hope  to  the
        needed to meet the ever increasing demand for  industry – if they can afford it. By the early
        Kodak film.                         1930s  the  two  big  companies  –  Western
                                            electric  and  RCA  are  leading  the  field  with
        The cost of all this progress was reflected in  excellent optical sound systems to record and
        the price of the end product, so home movie  reproduce sound – at a price. In 16mm – Bell
        making was generally regarded as a rich man’s
        hobby – with vast quantities of film consumed
        on world tours.

        A  cheaper  range  of  16mm  equipment  was
        being produced by other manufactures and this
        created  a  broader  market  that  still  boosted
        Kodak film sales like the new 16mm colour
        film  called  Kodacolor  released  for  the
        American market in 1928. (This was replaced
        by Kodachrome in 1933).

                                             This early Ampro Sound Projector (c. 1933) proved
                                             to be a very robust design with this machine giving
                                             sterling service for over 40 years.
                                             Below: The Speaker Case Grill proudly carries the
                                             AMPRO badge in the New Vogue style of the 1930.

        The HAND CRANKED 16mm Keystone Projector was
        cheaper again and although a “Silent” projector, it
        has a single row of teeth on the feed and take-up
        sprocket and a single twin vertical claw that would
        enable  it  to  run  Sound  Film.  Perhaps  they  were
        planning for a sound conversion kit in the future –
        mmm – interesting.

                                                      REEL DEALS  June 2023   5
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