Page 13 - RD_2024-06
P. 13

When  recently  screening  a  polyester  thumb,  there  would  be  a  little  give,  but
        based  film,  I  noticed  the  ‘cobweb’  like  generally will still hold together ok to pick
        lines  that  were  appearing  almost  up and put on a split reel.
        continually, then came a flash of a wobbly
        white line across the centre of the image -  Tight  winding  of  polyester  film  for
        several times this happened, but the film  shipping  is  fine,  but  for  storage  it  is  a
        kept running, finally a full white screen -  recipe for disaster.
        the film had  broken.  Inspection showed
        the  reason  -  the  print  was  full  of  what  Winding  tension  is  something  most
        looked like fungus, but it wasn’t, and the  collectors CAN control, whereas they may
        film had actually broken along the edges  not  have  an  option  for  a  different
        of the ‘fungal’ growth.             temperature  or  humidity  level  in  their
                                            storage room.
        Never haven’t seen this type of film issue
        before, I reached out to good friend David  So  now  we  have  another  problem  to
        Kilderry  to  see  if  he  had  seen  this  contend  with.  As  one  of  our  earlier
        problem. David kindly contacted a friend  politicians once said “Like is not meant to
        in the US and back came the news I was  be easy” - well is certainly isn’t for film
        hoping I would not hear…            collectors!
        This happens when polyester film is:
          *Tightly wound
          *Stored in a warm environment
          *Humidity above 60%                Below: Example of the effect - from my now
                                             junked print of Mamma Mia.
        Any  one  of  those  three  will  eventually
        cause blocking, but if you combine two of  Note the tear along the edge of the lifting
        those (or even worse, all three) then you  emulsion in the left example.
        get polyester blocking.

        The  base  is  literally  fusing  itself  to  the
        emulsion, and it gets bad enough when it
        is  unrolled  that  it  causes  the  film  to
        literally  tear  and  break  (despite  being
        “unbreakable” polyester).

        This  will  happen  to  all  polyester  film
        sooner  or  later.    Despite  what  people
        claim,  polyester  is  not  forever.    Sure  it
        “can’t get VS”, but who cares when the
        film can’t be unrolled?
        Polyester  film  should  be  wound  for
        storage such that if you were to squeeze it
        side  to  side  between  your  finger  and

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