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P. 4


            Leader .....

                                          it  is
                          always  gratifying  to
                                           new  ~~) ~
                           feel  that  having  em-
                           barked   on  a
                           project  much  active       (,  l
                           interest  is  aroused.
                           Judging   from   the
            many  letters  which  have  been  re-
            ceived,  this  has  certainly  been  the
            case with the new Pathescope Gazette.
            To  our  many  friends  we  would  say
            thank you for the encouragement and
            support which you have  shown in thi
            new venture.  We are  mouldino- futur
            issues  on  your  criticisms  and  ·u   tions  and  therefore  we
            ask  for  more  letters,  more  tip  and  more  comments  so  that
            the new Gazette may inde  d b  y  ur  az  tt  .
              Referring  to new  projects,  w   ann  t  I  t  this  pass without
            making  mention  of  the  infonna ti  n  c  ntained  in  this  issue.
            A  lot  has  been spoken  about  th ·  n  w   upl  x  system  and  we
            know  further  information  is  eag  rly   ught  after.  On  page
            16 is another  informative article  brin  in  you  up  to dat e with
            further  news.
               As is generally appreciated cinematography no longer relies
            on  brilliant  sunshine  but  is  something  to  be  enjoyed  all  the
            year  through.  But we  cannot allow the  oppor tunities  of  the
            past few  weeks to  slip  by  unnoticed.  It will,  of course, be  a
            great day  when  we  can  rely on  the  weather  but  recently  we
            have  been  able  to  plan  our  shooting  sequences  with  more
            certainty.  With the  days just beckoning us  forth, filming  has
            been  taking  place  with  a  fervour  to  be  admired;  it  has  put
            new  heart into  all  of  us  so  whether  it be for  holiday  scenes,
           . local  events  or  more  serious  productions,  let  us  go  out  and
           ' make  the  most  of  the  sp  ll  of  good  weather  which  is  all  too
            rare and certainly  too good to miss.
                 FRONT  COVER  JLLUS'l'RATION
                                      Copy·right W . F. B 1tnce, London
                 Th e  craft sman  lends  his  skill  to  the  world  of  sport.
                           Crick et  bats  being  m a de  at  L ewes,  Sussex.

          t  1.' tour
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