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m endations are that contrasty The aim, of course, is to
subjects should be avoided and achieve perfect balance through-
t h e lighting should be fiat- that out the film and the best way
is, the sun should be behind the is to do some mental editing
camera and definition will be the before shooting. Quite often a
c I ear e r. Personal experience change of angle will serve to
shows that picturesque render- bridge an awkward gap especi-
ings are obtainable by using ally if it shows e~yier shadows
partial side lighting; even with than in the prec ding shot. A
flat lighting the provision of a sequence being filmed over a
reflector such as a white sheet period of days may produce
will lighten the features of a variations in colour by the fact
close-up. that the atmospheric conditions
Some amateurs will prefer the (not the light) altered during the
colour in a film to be richer than period- i.e., the first day bright
normal which has the effect of sunlight followed on the second.
causing all colours to be more day by a fine haze. These
vivid, with greater general con- variations may even take place
trast and will therefore shoot in during one single day. Though
bright sunlight. Personal prefer- the actinic quality is the same,
ence is to acquire pastel shades a slightly differen,t atmospheric
by slight over-exposure (half a quality may occur. The obvious
stop) which results in a thinner answer here is to film the scenes
image which can produce some in sequence.
striking effects and appear on Finally, it is a good plan to
the screen something after the include all shots comprising a
style of a water colour painting. sequence in one loading of col-
If, however, you film on a bright our film. If these are spread'
day with the sun obscured by over more than one loading they
light clouds you will find that are not always likely to be pro-
the relative intensities of bright- cessed in one batch, and, al-
ness and shadow approximate though slight, any difference
much more closely by reason of arising from this are bound to
the fact that the light is more be noticeable on the screen.
evenly distributed over the sub-
ject and the contrast range con- ERRATUM
siderably reduced.
The fact that Kodachrome is QUR apologies to Mr. Derek
balanced to give good results Hill for the slip-up which
between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. during occurred in the printing of his
the summer does not mean that article in the June/July issue of
satisfactory pictures cannot be the Gazette. Unfortunately, an
obtained outside these hours- explanatory paragraph was omit-
in point of fact some of the most ted from his report which
beautiful movies can be taken separated the I.A.C. winnerS>
in early morning and late after- from A.C.W.'s Ten Best.
noon. The highlights, however,
w ill have a tendency towards the
orange/red end of the spectrum 9.5mm. FILMS WANTED
w hile the shadows will be dis-
tinctly blue, and care must be "METROPOLIS" and "The
taken to avoid assembling such Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"
shots between those taken during in good condition.- J. KILMISTER•
mid-day otherwise the colour 7, Lancashire St., Melton Rd.,
balance will be at stake. Leicester.