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JT  was  indeed  significant  news   ratios   and   in   methods   of
              that Mr.  J. Arthur Rank  had   photography  and  projection.  Is
           moved  to  assure  that  his  vast   it  to  be  CinemaVision,  Vista-
           organisation   should   r emain   Scope,  Cinedel  or  Perfectarama?
           under  British  control.   The   The  industry  h as  been  going
           Odeon  group  of  companies-  through  a  period  of  profitable
           embracing   the   Odeon   and   experiment  in  production  and
           Gaumont  circuits  and  the  asso-  presentation,  and  from  the  con-
           ciated  film  producing  and  distri-  fusion  a  few  home  truths  are
           buting  units- will  henceforth  be   emerging-at  least  to  my  pecu-
           controlled  by  a  charitable  trust.   liar  way  of  thinking.
             It was  a  grand gesture-grand   If  standardisation  is  to  be
           in   magnitude,  grand  in  its   the  call- and  ... hush!  . .. I
           generosity  and  vision.     hope  it won't- let it be a  system
             As  he  has  said,  Mr.  Rank's   that  puts  picture  definition  and
           p ersonal  aim  has  been  to  im-  sound  fidelity  before  anything
           prove  the  quality  and  entertain-  else.
           ment  value  of  British  films,  to   And   with   the   foregoing
           increase  the  number  of  B ritish   thought  in  mind  it  will  be  in-
           films  produced,  and  to  secure  as   teresting  to  watch  the  develop-
           wide  as  possible  world  markets   ment  of  the  Paramount  double-
           for  them.  And  h e  continues  in   frame  VistaVis!en  print,  which
           his  belief  that  "this  object  is  of   gives  a  picture  of  extremely
           vital  importance in  the  n ational   high  quality.   One  must  a lso
           interests,  not only from  financial   k eep  in  mind  the  trend  repre-
           and economic points  of  view, but   sented  by  the  Todd-AO  70mm.
           having  regard  to  British  cul-  film  system,  for  which  Philips
           tural  and  social  relations  with   have  designed  a  projector  that
           peoples  throughout  the  world".   is  suitable  a lso  for  showing
             High  ideals,  which  have  been   35mm.  prints.
           worthily  transmitted  to  deeds.
                                        A  Year  in  a  Century
           Pleasant  Aspect               Meanwhile,  over  in  New  York
             The  professional  cinema,  one   the  20th  Century  Fox  president,
           feels,  has  been trying  just about   Spyros  P.  Skouras,  has  predic-
           everything   in   screen   aspect   ted  that  1955  will  go  down  into
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