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commentary for this kind of concerned carefully hide them-
film- and for this one in parti- selves from mortal gaze, but this
cular. And what did they do in film clearly puts one in the pic-
this case'? Not one voice, but ture, so to spea k . The animation
three : each telling in r elay a work, by the w ay, involved over
different story of Corytown- the 100,000 individual drawings.
facts, the drama, the poetry, that This and many other fine films
enter into the construction of a by the m a jor oil companies, such
modern oil refinery. Each voice, a s Esso, R egent, Shell, B.P. and
be it noted, was suited exactly Vacuum, are available free on
to the mood and cha r a cter of loa n to clubs and societies, most-
its a llotted part in the com- ly in 16mm. or 35m m. sound.
m entary.
Camera Calm
Life and Animation A welcome visitor on the set
Credit is also due to another of N orman Wisdom's "Man of
oil company, Esso, for a docu- the Moment" at P inewood was
mentary with unusual treat- retired film ca m er a man Arthur
ment. In "Refinery at Work" Per eira, who joined the indus-
live sequences h ave been com- try in 1908. Mr. P er eira, now
bined most effectively with col- 84, talked a bout his most exciting
our animation to present a n ex- a ssignment- covering the 1924
planation of the basic principles Ever est expedition.
involved in the processes that All professional movie ca m era-
go on in an oil refinery. m en, one imagines, must be m en
If one visits a r efinery the of a specia l breed whose sang-
only thing one doesn't see is a froid and "mixability" must be
drop of oil. The precious liquid a prime pa rt of their make-up,
and the operations and processes a nd in the case of a n Everest
expedition these qualities are
certainly required to the highest
This wa s truly so with all
members of Sir John Hunt's
1953 Everest expedition, a s it
must have been in 1924. They
wer e selected not only for the
specia l qualifications n eeded for
the technical and physica l as-
pects of the expedition, but also
for those attrililutes of character
that m ade t h em m ost likely to
be a ble to work together h ar-
moniou ly under extreme con-
dit ions. And even in the short
conv rsat ion that I h ad with the
exped ition 's camer a ma n, Tom
St obart, soon after his return
from Everest, this deep-seated
equanimity was most a ppa rent.
Certainly it is a n attribute
These t w o huge tanks w er e built that many of us would like to
last y ear for the film " Moby a cquire, especially if we have
Dick", and are the lar gest in the much to do with any kind of
w orld outside of Holly wood. film-making!
tour teen