Page 19 - pg_1955_08
P. 19

In  the  finals  of  the  Amateur  Ice  Skating  Championships,
        Jeanette  Altwegg  wins  a  handsome  trophy  presented  to  her ·
        by Mrs.  Attlee.
        C3u699               NEWSCOPE No.  10
          The  camera  visits  the  regal  luxury  of
        Her  Majesty's  yacht Britannia- where  the
        wheel  of  King  George  the  Fifth's  racing
        yacht  of  the  '30's  still  functions  to  steer
        this  modern  luxury  craft.

        C30700              NEWSCOPE  No.  11
          Enthusiasts  everywhere  will be interest-
        ed  in this  selection of news items of modern
        aircraft.  Included  in  this  film  is  a  proto-
        type  aircraft  taking off vertically.

                     9·5mm  FILM  CATALOGUE.
          The latest edition  of the  Pathescope  9.5mm.  Film Catalogue
        is now available.
          Details  of  all  9.5mm.  Sound  and  Silent  film  releases  and  a
        complete  list  of  Film  Library  Services  offered  by  dealers
        throughout the country,  are given  in this 128-page publication.
          Price  2/ .   Copies  are  obtainable  through  your  local
        Pathescope  Dealer .

                  SOUND  E.FFE.CTS  RECORDING
          A  comprehensive  catalogue is  issued by the Special Record-
        ings  department  of  E .M.I.  Studios  Ltd.,  listing  over  400
        different  recordings.  Ranging from  Aircraft Warming  Up  to
        Baby Cr ying,  from  Express Trains  to Laughter,  these  record-
        ings are  readily obtainable  from E.M.I.  Studios Ltd.,  3,  Abbey
        Road,  London, N.W.8.
          In  addition  to  the  normal  purchase  price  of  the  records,  a
        further  charge  of  5/ - is  made  to  cover  "All-time  Amateur
        dubbing  rights"  if  the  recording  is  to  be  dubbed  on  to  a
        sound track.

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