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Conrad  Wagner's  score,  com-
        posed  specially  for  the  film.  is
        being  recorded  by  a   quartet
        comprising  piano,  flute,  clarinet
        and  violin.   The  film  will  then
        be  made  to fit  the track- a  com-
        paratively  simple  process  with
        single-frame  work.
          Kodachrome  screen  tests  have
        been  made,  and  a  cast  of  four
        selected.  Members of  the Group
        who  have  seen  the  tests  believ~
        t hat  they  have  a  discovery  to
        rival  Gerry  Potterton,  the  pop-
        eyed  intruder of Two's Company,
        in  Dick Simmonds, who will play
        t he   stop-at-nothing   salesman
        w ho   pesters  the  honeymoon
        couple  of  the  title.   The  script
        is by Robin Prentice, and Daborn
        is directing.
         Meanwhile  he  is  also  busy  on
        Battle  of  Wangapore,  an  even
        more  ambitious  cartoon  than
        History  of  Walton.  The  film  is   RichaTd  Eastleigh  comm ents  on
        alJ;eady  in  its  third  year  of  pro-  the  script  " Bride  and  Groom",
        duction.  The  team  of animators   w hile  D esmond  Roe  monitors  a
        and  cameramen  working  under   t est   1·ecording  of  t h e  quartet
        Daborn's  supervision  were  very   r eh eaTsing  in  the  next  room.
        satisfied  when they  saw the  first
        75  ft.  of  colour  rushes  screened
        in  sync.  with  the  pre-recorded
        tape;  but  despite  this  additiona l
        spur  to  their  enthusiasm,  they   s imilar  productions  as  indivi-
        admit  that  the  work  involved  is   duals  or  separate  units.   A
        such  that  they  will  be  lucky  to   cartoon  of Lear's The Dong With
        finish  the  film  this  year.   the  Luminotts  Nose,  As Shadows
         Unlike  most  clubs,  the  Grass-  Go,   a   psychological  fantasy,
        hopper Group is not restricted to   Rocket  Away,  a  science-fiction
        a  local  membership.   Much  of   cartoon,  and  Little  Red  Riding
        its  work  is  done  through  the   Hood,  a  musical  fantasy  which
        post,  and associate  members  are   h as  involved  the  shooting  of
        w idely scattered.  For an annual   10,000  ft.  of  colour  and  the  co-
        florin  they  are  kept  in  touch   operation  of  80  instrumentalist s
        w ith  all  the  Group's  activities   - these  are  just  a  few  of  the
        through  Grasshopper  News,  a   films  which  members,  associates
        lively  and  informative  journal   and  allied  clubs  h ave  in  pro-
        which covers cartoon and experi-  duction.
        mental  work  by  both  amateurs   The  Grasshoppers  believe  that
        and  professionals.   During  the   experiment  and  obscurity  have
        coming  winter  a  series  of  pro-  become  too  closely  allied  in  the
        grammes   of  work  in  these   minds of  amateurs.  With  Two's
        spheres  will  be  shown  at  a   Company  they  showed  that  ex-
        rendezvous  in  central  London.   periments  can  be  entertaining.
         Besides  the  Group  ventures,   They  intend  to  keep  on  proving
        many  members  are  tackling   it.
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