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                                                 by  T.  B.  Sansom
           THE  amateur  cine  movement   does  not  require  to  be  so  de-
              falls  mainly  into  two  cata-  tailed  as  for  the  story  film  and
           gories,  i.e.:              it leaves  plenty of  scope  for  the
                                       imagination at the time the stock
            (a)  That section which devotes
               itself  entirely  to  personal   is  being  exposed.   Its  greatest
               films  and  family  records.   asset  lies  in  the  fact  that  the
                                       players  are  all  around  you  and
            (b)  The  more  ambitious  types   with  few  exceptions  they  are
               who  make  films  for  com-  there  when  you  want  them  and
               petitions  and  general  dis-  without  having  to  ask.
                                         There  are  endless  possibilities,
            Whilst (a)  is for  the most part   even  the  changing  climate  can
          shot  "off  the  cuff"  with  possibly   be  filmed  through  the  medium
          a  main  and  end  title,  (b)  passes   of the seasons of the year.  What
          through  all  the  stages  of  plan-  a  thrill  it  is  to  set  off  on  a
          ning,  scripting,   editing,   etc.   bright  spring  day  with  camera
          Both provide enjoyment for their   on  back,  tripod  in  hand  and
          respective  followers  but  surpri-  sandwiches  in  the  rucksack,  all
          sing though  it may seem  we are   set  for  a  day  in  the  country  to
          not  really  interested  in  either   capture  the  moods  of  Mother
          of  the  above  groups.   In  this   Nature,  but  more  about  this
          fascinating hobby there is  bound   later.
          to  be  a  certain  amount  of  over-  We  are  fortunate  in  the  fact
          lapping and it is  in  these people   that  Documentary Films  in  this
          that we  are mainly  interested.   country  have  reached  a  very
            There  are  a  great  number  of   high  standard  and  there  are
          amateurs  who  would  genuinely   plenty  of  fine  examples  of  pro-
          like  to  do  something  more  than   fessional  films  for  us  to  learn
          film  "baby on the  lawn"  and  yet   from.  Such  films  as  the  Trans-
          as  lone  workers they do  not feel   port  Commission's  "The  Heart
          they  have  the  facilities  to  sit   is  Highland",  "There  go  the
          down  and  plan  a  film  demand-  Boats"  or  that  outstanding  film
          ing   actors,   props,   lighting,   "Drifters"  are  all  examples  of
          special  effects,  etc.   It  is  not   what  the  lone  worker  can  do
          always  possible  to  call  on  the   providing  he  has  the  interest
          family  even  presuming  a  family   and  the  patience.
          is  available,  which is  not a lways   When  planning a  Documentary
          the case.                    the  first  essential  is  to  get  to
            To  those  of  you  who  want   know  your  s ubject,  whether  it
          something  more  than  family   be  a   town,  process,  another
          snapshots  and  the  annual  holi-  hobby,  etc.  All  the  scripting  in
          day  film,  but  who  do  not  care   the  world  will  not  make  up  for
          for  all  the  preparation  and   a  lack  of  knowledge  of  your
          ramifications  of  the  story  film   subject.  It  is  both  interesting
          I  would  say  "Turn  to  Docu-  and  stimulating  to  study  the
          mentary".                    history  and  activities  of  some
            Whilst  it would  be  misleading   small  towns  or  be  instructed  in
          to  say  that  the  Documentary   some  manufacturing  process  or
          Film  does  not  require  any  plan-  handicraft  that  you  have  not
          ning,  it  is  fair  to  say  that  it   met  before.
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