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One of the most important Festival City (T. B. Sansom),
things at this stage to keep in 9.5mm.; Antiquities of Wycombe
front of you is that you are (Pinner Cine Soc.), 16mm.; The
using a cine camera and that Brownie Version (I.A.C.), 9.5mm.
whatever you film action must
play a leading part. I am think- Professional Films
ing particularly h ere of those · The Story of Fine China
of us who enjoy making films (Mathew Crase}. ~6mm. S.O.F.;
of historical towns and cities. A Windsor Chair is Made
It is very tempting to use the (Co. I.D.), 16mm. S.O.F.; The
major part of the film stock on Houses in Which We Live
historical buildings and places (Gateway), 16mm. Silent; Bind-
and end up with a film contain- ing a Book (Dance-Kaufmann),
ing only sub-titles and views. 16mm. S.O.F.
No matter how good the Films like "A Windsor Chair
photography may be or attrac- is Made" and "Binding a Book"
tive the titling the film will flag are of particular interest because
long before the end of the reel. very few amateurs consider sub-
It is far more interesting with jects of this type and yet they
films of this type to try and are ideally suited to the lone
capture the life of the town as worker. There is nothing in the
seen through the eyes of a visi- film that cannot be organised
tor, or native of the place who or shot by one person and with-
has returned after the absence out a great amount of difficulty.
of many years. Possibly the only difficult part
Having once mastered the is the approach to the firm or
subject the next stage is to people concerned in the first
prepare a very general shooting instance.
script, more as a guide when on
location than anything else. Ex- Equipment
planatory titles should be kept The remarks made so far ap-
to a minimum ; remember that a ply generally and a Documentary
good film tells the story through Film can be made equally well
the pictures and action. in either of the three sub-
Before considering equipment st andard gauges. However, the
essential to the maker of Docu- amateur who does not own a
mentary Films I should like to car will find it a great advantage
nominate a few amateur and to select a gauge whose equip-
professional documentary films ment is light in weight. I am
all of which are capable of be- a great believer in a tripod and
ing made by the lone worker, if one is to carry one about on
as and when he feels he would foot then it must be light and
like a day's filming. rigid and the camera it has to
support should be in comparison.
Amateur Films From this point of view
My Wife's Patchwork (C. P . 9.5mm. and 8mm. have an ad-
Abbott), 16mm.; The Catgut vantage over 16mm. and unless
Film (A. Malcolm), 16mm.; it is intended to make the film