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The second  of a  series  of articles
                                    about  films  g en erally  1·egarded
                                    as  classics  w hich  are  available
                                    on  9.5mm.
                                      Classics  on
                                          9.5 wm.

                                        by  David  Gunston


                                          l!e THE
                                     BLUE  LIGHT~~

        THE  Blue  Light  has  strong   traditional  legend  of  Junta,  the
           claim  to  being  the  most   outcast  girl,  and  the  dangerous
        beautiful  film  ever  to  be  issued   blue  light  that  glowed  from  the
       on  9.5mm.  in  this  country.  It is   peak  of  the  Monte Cristallo,  the
        certainly  by  far  the  most  beau-  Crystal  Mountain.  The  glow  ac-
       tiful of all the German mountain   tua lly emanated from  a  cave full
        films,  of  which  it  is  one  of  the   of  a  crystal  deposit,  but  none
        last,  and  even  the  hardest-to-  of  the  local  men  could  scale  the
        please  critic  cannot  fail  to  be   peak  to  it without mishap.  Only
        both  moved  and  impressed  by   Junta knew the secret.
        its  visual  splendour  and  power.   L eni  Riefenstahl  was  so  im-
        As  a  writer  in  that  fascinating   pressed  by  the  tragic  simplicity
        compendium, "Experiment in the   of  the  age-old  legend  that  she
        Film"  has  said,  it  is  "a  film  of   decided  to  translate  it  onto  cel-
        extraordinary  beauty,  pictoria l   luloid.   The  Blue  Light  is  the
        power  and  of  a  rare  rhythmic   memorable  and  brilliant,  if  not
        continuity".   And  more  to  the   wholly  successful,  result  of  that
        practical  point,  it  is  still  in  the   intention.  Fratilein  Riefenstahl,
        Pathescope  Catalogue.      then  only  25,  had  already  had
         The  guiding  force  behind  this   eight  years'  experien,ce  in  films,
        production  is  the  director  and   most  famously  in  The  White
        leading  lady,  Leni  Riefenstahl.   H ell  of  Pitz  Palu,  but  was  per-
        Known  hitherto  as  an  actress   haps  over-ambitious  about  her
        in the  Alpine films of Dr.  Arnold   idea,  since  she  decided  not  only
        Fanck,  whence  she  turned  from   to  direct  and  star  in  the  film,
        the  ballet,  she  launched  out  on   but  also  to  have  a  third  share
        an  independent  career  of  her   in  its  actual  production.   The
        own  with  this  film,  made  in  the   year  before,   1931,   she   had
        spring and  early summer of 1932   completed   Fanck's   delightful
        and released  later the same year.   comedy  The  White  Flame,  (also
        It  all   began   earlier   when   available  on  9.5mm.),  and  after
        FraUlein  Riefenstahl  was  on  a   completing  The  Blue  Light  in
        walking-tour  in  the  Dolomites.   Italy  she  was  to  go  north  to
        Local  peasants  had  told  her  the   Greenland  later  the  same  year
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