Page 20 - pg_1955_08
P. 20
Derek Hill Be ports
A CINE CLUB used the technique purely for
WITH A PURPOSE comedy purposes.
Pixilation is a lengthy busi-
THE Grasshopper Group is one ness.' It involves taking almost
of Britain's youngest cine every movement of every actor
clubs, yet its activities are being one frame at a time-a wearing
eagerly studied by amateurs all process, for cast, cameraman and
over the coun.try. This interest director a like. The potentialities
is principally ceBtred upon the of the method, however , h ave
work of John Daborn, founder encouraged the Grasshoppers to
of the Group and producer of prepare another p i xi 1 at e d ·
perhaps the most celebrated comedy, Bride and Groom, in
British amateur film in the his- which they hope to exploit these
tory of the movement. Since he possibilities still further.
won an international r eputation The Group has been fortunate
II - and practica lly every available in finding a well-equipped studio
award- with T he History of where sets can be left standing
Walton, his work has attracted almost indefinitely. This is par-
keen attention from fellow cine ticularly important for Bride
enthusiasts. and Groom, as the sets will be
Just over two years ago unorthodox in the extreme.
D aborn announced the Grass- Windows and doors hanging in
hopper Group's formation, Its space and cut-out furniture have
intention was, and still is, to already been constructed.
encourage the production of
cartoon and experimenta l films.
The news was well received, for
it h ad long been recognized that
Britain's contributions to both
these important fields was gener-
ally feeble in both quality and
So far the Group h ave only
completed one production; but
that won a place among
Amateur Cine World's T en Best
Amateur F ilms of 1953. Two's
Company proved to be one of
the most popula r of the prize-
winners. It was the first B ritish
film to use the pixilation tech -
nique originated by Norman
McLaren in Neighbours, and
several critics suggested that it
was no more than an imitation
of his work. But Daborn believes
that the single f rame animation
of live characters is more ap-
propriate to comedy than to the
serious message of McLaren's John Dabo1·n, founde?C of the
film; and he feels that T wo's Grasshopper Group at w ork on
Company w2.s origina l in that it " Battle of Wangapore".