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ANNOUNCEMENTS concern- best thing is to describe the
i~g the introduction of the comprehensive service that DU-
DUPLEX Scheme have been PLEX will bring in regard to
made in many countries and the new projectors which are
enormous interest has been in- being made. These will show
dicated both by potential users DUPLEX film (double perfo-
and by distributors. rated), MONOPLEX film (half
The first reaction is on the size) and CLASSIC film (single
lines of appreciation that by perforated), so that the owner
using h alf the film at a time who also possesses a DUPLEX
(MONOPLEX) there will be cine camera can show films
enormous economy in running which he has exposed as DU-
costs. This, of course, is per- PLEX made for best quality
fectly true but as the scheme work such as club interests,
becomes the subject of wider competitions or of such special
discussions its full utility proves occasions and sentimental value
this to be but a contributory that he will require to perpetu-
factor. ate the best either in silent form
In introducing a new form of or with magnetic stripe for
filming Pathe run the risk of sound.
hasty judgment on the part of To the newcomer all the pic-
those who might be unacquaint- tures taken are important and
ed with the full facts and er- valuable, and this is true of both
roneously conclude that a new cine and still photography, but
size mal< its a ppearance to add naturally as experience is gained,
to the existing 9.5mm., 16mm. selection of subjects becomes
and 8mm. equipment. This is important and construction and
not so, DUPLEX is still 9.5mm. sequen ce essential for attractive
film which is the best all-round presentation. Amateur Cinema-
size for the Home Cinema- tography is a hobby and like
tographer and MONOPLEX is many other hobbies there is vari-
an off-shoot which is not in- ance in the manner of pursuit,
tended to displace 9.5mm. ranging from the volatile type
who films energetic scenes of
Purpose of Duplex family sports, etc., to the serious
If this is not the intention in type who plans in advance and
regard to this introduction what finds h appiest expression in
is indicated and who will it sylvan scenes. Then there is the
serve? keen club member who not only
To answer this perhaps the participates in making club
six teen