Page 22 - pg_1955_08
P. 22

(;Jub Notes                   Notes  on Club  ac tiv ities
                                           w ill  be included  free  of charge
                                  CENTRAL  AMATEUR  CINE  CLUB
                                    Cine  fans  in  the  Birmingham  area
                                  will  be  able  to  see  one  of  the  1953
                                  Open  Film A ward films  "Which Came
                                  First" which is being screened by this
                                  Club  on  Thursday,  September  29th,
                                  1955.   Visitors  are  invited  but  the
                                  organisers  would  appreciate  it  if  in-
                                  terested people write first.  Honorary
                                  Secretary  H.  J.  EALING,  17,  Hazel-
             " Must  make  a  note  of  hurst  Road,  Castle  Bromwich,  Bir-
             the  date".- Synny.   mingham.
                            NORTH-EAST  LONDON
               "I  am  with  the  aid  of  friends  forming  a  Cine  Circle  in
            the  North-East  London  Area,  which  will  not  only correspond
             but will try and meet at least once a  month to plan something
             of general interest in Amateur Cinematography.
              If any  reader  of  your  Gazette  resident  in  the  district  is
            interested,  I  would  be  pleased  to  hear  from  them".-W.
            KIBERD,  4,  Eastdown  House,  Amhurst  Road,  London,  E.8.

                           NOTICE  TO  CINE  CLUBS
              The 1954 Amateur Cine Film  Open Award 1st,  2nd and 3rd
             films are now available for free loan to cine clubs and societies.
            Bookings  can  now  be  accepted  but  to  avoid  disappointment
             clubs are urged  to book well  in advance.

                 WHEN  YOU  LOOK  AT  All  THE  FAC£5  AROUND  YOlJ,   ---- HAS  SUCH A DlfHRENT HHCT ON
                 IT  MAK!S  YOU  WOND£R  WHY  THAT  HOLIDAY  fiLM---------  THE  CHAP  WHO ·MADE IT .
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