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         Most  folk  now  have  their  tele-     C01tJPETITION
       vision  sets  bringing  to  them  pictures
       of  day to day scenes,  of the  theatre   On  pages  4  and  5  of  this  issue
       and  items  of  general  interest,  but   will  be  found  details  of  a  competi-
       even  in  this  age  of wonderful  inven-  tion  which  calls  for  nothing  more
       tions  it  is  only  with  the  cinema  that   than  the  offering  of  personal  films.
       t~ movement  and  happiness  of  the   A  prize  of  £5  Os.  Od.  cash  will  be
       immediate  home  circle  can  be  cap-  awarded  each  month  for  the  best
       tured.  Those  lasting  records  of  the   spool  of  film  submitted,  on  the  par-
       children  at  all  ages,  of  Mother  and   ticular subject chosen for that month.
       Father,  of  relatives  and  friends,  all   The  rules  of  the  competition  are
       stars  upon  the  screen,  having  no   very  simple  and  do  not  debar  even
       equals  anywhere.  Films  of  the  holi-  the  most  inexperienced  from  taking
       days,  wonderful  views  and  scenery,   part.
       beautiful  old  and  historic  places   To  commence  the  June  competi-
       wl1id1,  sad to say,  are fast  disappear-  tion  the  ever  popular  subject  "The
       ing  during  the  present  march  of   Baby"  is  chosen,  and  for  the  month
       progress.  Films  of  sporting  or  other   of  July,  "Father"  in  a  characteristic
       l!'rowess  or  of  utter  laziness  and  the   setting.
       ~owded scenes of every day life,  are   No  doubt  9.5  mm.  enthusiasts  will
       the·  records  that  can  be  shown  on   welcome  this  opportunity  to  prove
       big- screens  wherever  desired,  and   their  ability  in  film  making,  and  to
       the  living  scenes  presented  even   those who  feel  they are not sufficient-
       after  ten,  fifteen  or  twenty  years,   ly  versed  in  the  art of taking  a  single
       win  revive  happy  memories  and  pro-  spool  on  one  particular  subject,  the
       vide  entertainment  and  relaxation   words  of  the  very  popular  Wilfred
       not  possibte  by  any  other  means.   Pickles  are  quoted,  "Have a  go".
       No  fleeting  pictures to  be  seen  once
       and  forgotten,  but  the  past,  intim-  The  competition_ is  open  to  all  9.5
       ate  and  personal,  safely  held  for   mm.  cinematographers  who  will  find,
       future  use.                        as  stated  previously,  there  are  only
                                           a  few  simple  rules  covering entry into
         With  fhe  modern  and  efficient   this  contest.  All  films  will  be  return-
       Pathescope   Motocameras   movie-  ed  as  soon  as  possible  after  each
       making  is  a  simple  matter  and,  sure-  monthly  competition  closes.
       ly in  the ~nowledge that the beginner   Turn  now  to  pages  4  and  5  and
       has  the  same  opportunity  as  the  ex-  study  the  rules  and · helpful  hints,
       perienced  worker,  readers  are  cord-  which  are  given  for  your  guidance,
       iaHy  invited  to  engage  in  friendly   to  produce  even  better  personal
       rivalry.                            Home  Movies.
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