Page 5 - pm_1952_01
P. 5
Before commencing to "shoot off' By holding a ~it~ card or · by
your . film it is best to plan some sort fixing a white cloth, so that the sun's
of shooting script, in order to avoid rays are reflected • on to the shadow
wastage and the possibility of over- side of the subject, a . much more
looking some of the essential shots. balanced picture is obtained.
In this connection we would refer
you back to the article, "The Script .
and the Cine Camera" reproduced Two types of film are available
in the March issue of the Pathescope from Pathescope-the S.S. Panchro-
Monthly. matic stock and Super F.P. film.
Both are backed, anti-halo films of
There is a widespread, and rather fine quality. S.S. is for general pur-
erroneous, belief among inexperienc- poses and F.P. being six times faster
ed amateur cinematographers that is more valuable for use when con-
the sun must be behind the camera ditions of light are poor and it is
position. On certain occasions the better for working in artificial light.
sun is necessary in this position, but There is little point in using ultra fast
generally speaking the best results film under brilliant conditions requir-
are obtained if a camera angle, or ing a neutral itensity filter and it is
viewpoint; is chosen with the sun suggested that your choice of film
directly to the left or right of the need be affected by light conditions
subject being photGgraphed. This only, as correctly exposed perfect
will enable shadow and cross lighting results may be expected with either.
effects to be obtained and a final,
and more pleasing result to your
film. This information also applies The subject chosen for the July
to indoor lighting effects. Remem- competition lends itself to a greater
ber that 'direct lighting on to baby's variety of treatment. We could
eyes is not desirable at any time. have father coming home from work,
putting on his carpet slippers and
retiring behind his newspaper, pre-
The reflective value of a baby's
sumably to study the news, but in-
skin is far greater than that of an
stead resorting, in a few moments,
adult and of course the brighter
to taking a well earned "forty-winks".
clothing will influence your exposures
On the other hand, we could picture
father working with great gusto in
the garden, seemingly doing a great
Another point to consider is the deal of work, but in effect doing very
camera angle. By varying the vant- little. The possibilities offered by
age .point of shootin,g, a more pro- this subject are boundless, so let us
fessional outlook to the film can be have your contribution.
given. A useful tip for sunny
weather, concerns close-ups where
excessive shadows are noticed, for Here is your opportunity to show
example, on the . faces of people your skill arid .prowess with your
wearing hats with broad brims. motocamera