Page 9 - pm_1952_01
P. 9
by H. Tarrant Bai·ley.
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My daily tearoff calendar of rect for that too_:_with even better
"Great Thoughts" has just informed results. It is, of course, not difficult
me that "Experience is no substitute to judge by commonsense observa-
for Effi.ciency". This has rather tion how much to regulate the expos-
cramped my literary style for a start. ure between "Dull" and "Medium"
But I must, of course, heartily agree or between the other crude stop
with the Great Thinker, because, al- marks. And this system-or lack of
though I have been owner operator system-will, at the worst, ensure a
of a cine camera for very many fairly correct, if not perfect, expos-
years, I have yet to learn that I am ure. It is not half as "chancy" as it
a very accomplished photographer. sounds. If you can afford an expos-
ure metre buy one by all means and
But the game is a delightful hobby adjust the ring of your nice new
-not a painful duty, and for this camera accordingly. But do not let
reason I cannot bring myself to the fact that you cannot afford to
grieve because focal planes and buy all the latest and most approved
whatnot are as great a mystery to apparatus delay your entry into the
me today as they were sixty years joys of making your own films : or
ago. Disgraceful, no doubt, but I be diffident about your ability to
make this confession for the encour- produce pictures that will give your
agement of others who, like myself, friends immense pleasure and of
decline to make work of relaxation, which you will feel justly proud.
and to perhaps remove the diffidence
of those who regard the cine camera So many of the uninitiated have
as a scientific instrument safe only exclaimed "But it must be a VERY
in the hands of trained experts. expensive hobby" when my enthusi-
Because, thanks to the astounding asm moves me to hold forth on the
simplicity and efficiency of the joys of cinematography. This fear
Pathescope camera, anyone not of the cost, supported by a dread
actually mentally deficient can take of the months of study and practice
really good "Movie" pictures by they think they will be called upon
merely observing the rules that are to devote to learning to operate the
so simple and obvious that they in- camera and projector, frightens them
stinctively present themselves to the away from a hobby that yields
novice directly he handles the more satisfaction to the pound than
camera for the first time. any other.
Doubtless careful study of the
The weird hieroglyphics originally science and unlimited wealth with
engraved on the expos.ure ring of the which to purchase all that is latest
lens of my old camera became in- and best in the way of apparatus,
decipherable years ago. It now has would result in more consistent and
four clean scratches that mean perfect pictures. This applies to all
"Dull", "Medium", "Bright" and things, but the chap in the second-
"Very Bright" respectively. Bad hand "Austin Seven" gets there just
form no doubt, but believe me it as happily as the millionaire in the
works. If I am using a fast film in- Rolls Royce and enjoys the same
stead of a slow one, I put on a light scenery all the way. So don't delay
filter and so make the scratches cor- the purchase of a Pathescope Cine
Pa e Nine