Page 4 - pm_1952_01
P. 4

Announcing  the


                OPEN  TO  ALL  HOlE  MOVIE  ENTHUSIASTS.

          Convinced  as  we  are  that the  most   and  a  possible  story  value,  though
         inexperienced  novice,  as  well  as  the   this  latter  is  not  essential,  it  is  the
         a:dvanced  worker,  alike,  can  produce   subject  that  counts.   In  order  to
         equally   wonderful  and   desirable   avoid  any  confusion  each  entry  must
         records  of  the  family,  of  relations  or   be  accompanied  by  an  entry  form.
         holiday  and  general  scenes,  we  have   The  style  of  this  form  is  given  on
         decided  to  organise  a  small  compet-  page  I 0  of  this  magazine.
         ition  in  which  everyone  can  take
         part.  Every  month  we  are  offering   Entries   must  be  received  by
         £5  Os.  Od.  cash  for  fhe  best spool  of   Pathescope  Ltd.  at  their  offices  not
         film  submitted  on  the  particular  sub-  later  than  the  21st  · day  of  the
         ject  chosen  for  that  month.   The   month  following  each  competition,
         conditions  of  entry  for  this  contest   i.e.,  closing  date  for  the  June  com-
         are  simple  and  do  not  debar  anyone   petition  is  21st  July.
         from  taking  part.   All  that  is  re-
                                               To  commence  our  competition  we
        . quired  is  that  the  film  submitted   have  chosen  that  ever-popular  sub-
         must  be  Pathescope  stock  and  to
         have  been  processed  by  us  during   ject:-
         the  period  of  each  competition.          "BABY"
         Films  may  be  titled,  but  this  will  not   crawling,  toddling,  smiling,  ~rying,
         affect  the  consideration  of  the   feeding,  jam  and  chocolate  rs  per-
         judges.  Here  is  an  opportunity  for   mitted,  bathing  and,  in  fact,  all
         all  Home  Movie  enthusiasts  to  shoot   phases  up  to  "bye  bye"  time.
         the  films  they  desire  most,  which  in
         themselves  are  reward  enough,  and   For  July  the  theme  is :-
         at  the  same  time  qualify  for  one  of   '' FA'I'UER ''
         the  prizes.  The  films  will  be  judged   .  (any  characteristic  study)
         from  the  point  of  view  of  photo-  Further  subjects  will  be  given  in
         graphic  quality,  general  composition,   the  next  issue  of  this  journal.

                               SHIP  SHOP
            Not  to  be  confused  with  ship-  we  wish  to  state  that  they  will  be
         shape,  one  of  the  .busiest  centres  of   available on  such  well-known  liners as,
         interest  and  activity  aboard  the   amongst  others,  the s.s.  "Strathaird",
          modern ocean-going ship  is  the shop,   s.s.  "Strathnaver",  and  s.s.  "Strath-
         sometimes  run  by  the  Ship's  Barber,   eden",  the  s.s.   "Orcades",  s.s.
         wherever  the  world-wide  get  there   "Orontes",  s.s.  "Otranto"  and  s.s.
         and  back  traveller,  the  globe-trotter   "Orion";  the  s.s.  "Rangitiki",  s.s.
         and  the  holiday-cruiser  can  obtain   "Himalaya"  and  s.s,  "Corfu".
          both  the  essentials  and  luxuries  of
                                               This  is  only  yet  another  branch  of
           There  is  no  doubt as  into  which  of   our  service  to  the  9.5  mm.  cinema-
         these  catagories  Pathescope  Films   tographer,  and  we  are  not  really  in-
          and  apparatus should  be  placed,  and   tending  to  become  Ships  Chandlers.
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