Page 6 - pm_1952_01
P. 6
Once again we would bring to Already this year we have received
your notice the important neces~_ity quite a number of films without any
of enclosing particula~s of your, narne
means of identification and these are
and address in any packet or pack-
waiting for the owners to apply for
age of films· forwarded to us for pro- .
them'. Do not risk losing your valu-
cessing. It is equally important to
seal the package securely at both able films by overlooking this simple
ends. instruction.
by R. E. L. llorgan
Another "Hint or Tip" from a phragm with finger and thumb as, on
self styled staunch 9.5 mm. supporter. one of my earlier films, the edge of
my thumb had encroached on the
I required a decent fade-out the picture area and forced me to scrap
other day, but was rather perturbed the shot. However, after a lot of
by the prospect of turning the dia- thought, I evolved a handy little item
that allows one. to make perfect
fades in or out and at any speed.
Two strips of fairly stiff
_-Celluloid metal {Juneero metal is ideal)
scale are bolted together at each
end, so that when placed over
EE Pathescope Lux Motocamera,
the diaphragm ring on my
they grip it tightly. One end
- - - - -Lever extends above the top of the
camera and can be moved
from side to side easily and,
due to the length of this
"lever", the ring can be rotat-
ed at · almost any speed.
If a scale of celluloid is mounted
above the camera for the lever to
register with, even greater accuracy
results as the diaphragm can be
opened to any aperture with ease~
I enclose a simple diagram in case
my descriptive powers are not suffi-
ciently great.
-- c:: ..