Page 2 - pm_1952_01
P. 2
BDITOBiilL But we are looking perhaps a little
too far ahead. Now is the time to
Autumn is with us, winter is nigh collect all those personal films to-
-and to emphasise this fact we have gether, films that have been tucked
me rely to look around us and see away in some odd corner or cup-
those cryptic signs "So Many Shop- board for some future occasion. Why
ping Days to Christmas". All those not take this interim period to edit
goods and articles a~sociated with your films and make them ready for
the winter season are appearing in presentation. The addition of titles
the shop windows. Heavy overcoats can improve these records even
and mackintoshes have taken the more, and here again Pathescope
place of swim suits and sporh jackets, offer their assistance. The Titling
football gear is superseding the Service can undertake to supply all
cricket apparatus, and the early your requirements in this field,
morning frosts remind us that sum- whether it be merely a plain title or
mer has .passed. Our holidays appear a rolling title superimposed over
to have been left far behind and, to some particular background of your
the great majority of us, memories own choosing. .
are our only link with that bright However, with all the bringing out,
era. However, to those fortunate polishing up and dusting down of
owners of Pathescope outfits the projectors, the editing and titling of
winter season does not hold any your films, there is no need to lose
qualms, for they have something far sight of the fact that Autumn and
more tangible and concrete to re- Winter afford just as many opportun-
mind them of those happy days. ities as ever for taking your own per-
Once again their projectors, whether sonal cine films. Owners of Mote-
it be a Gem, Ace, 200B, Pax or any cameras can still make excellent rec-
other of the earlier models, which ords with the aid of the very fast
incidentally are still giving excellent V.F. Film. Being super-
service, are available to brighten sensitive it facilitates exposures under
those long winter evenings. All the adverse conditions and is invaluable
fun, thrills. and pleasures of the sum- for filming indoors with the aid of
mer season will again sparkle on the artificial lighting. Remember too
screen, and if further films are re- that a single spool of film will count
quired to complete the programme in the Pathescope Competitions, full
Pathescope offer you the largest details of which are given on page
selection in any sub-standard size. 8 of this magazine.
S I<J H V I (' I~J
That lovely picture, so typical a nd with The charge is :
1ust the right expression captu red on your 2/- - fo r ma king the negative.
film can be enlarged to produce a still 9d - eac h print 3!" x 2f'.
negative from which any number of prints 2/b - each print half plaie.
can be ta ke n. Ou r enlarging se rvice is The 9.5 mm. must, however, be of exce pt-
now in operation and the tiny pictures on ionally good photographic quality and pre-
9.5 mm. film can be e nlarged to 3f' x 2t'' ferably a close up for the enlargement to
a nd to ha lf plate size of' x 4f' if desired. be successful.
Page Two