Page 3 - pm_1952_01
P. 3
We are pleased to announce that
the spool of film submitted by Mr.
I. L. Est ivai of ~11th Woodford,
Essex, has been selected by the
judges as the winning film for the
first of the Monthly Competitions.
The subject chosen was "The Baby"
and "Baby's first Steps" may well be
the title of this film. Although the
reproduction of the actual untouched
enlargement from t he film cannot
possibly indicate the nicely balanced
result, all the movement, the
evidence of strenuous endeavour and
the s.miles of ultimate achievement
of the subject, it will confirm that Mr.
Estival has obtained a most pleasing
and lasting record for future delight
Upon being acquainted ~ith the
judges decision Mr. Estival wrote:-
"Your letter of the 15th in~tant reached me this morning and its contents
were a complete though very welcome surprise. May I thank you sincerely for
the prize as well as for the print which you so kindly sent. It may interest you
to know that I have only been indulging in cine-work for about a year, using a
second-hand but very faithful "Motocamera" with a 25 Hermagis lens and a
"Gem" pro"lector, both of which .give excelle·nt res.ults, without hitch or accident.
As a compete novice I approached cine-work with not a few misgivings and
fears of trouble of a technical nature, but I can truthfully say that your material
has given me nothing but pleasure.
The print which you so kindly had made has given me particular satisfaction,
since as. the result of a bereavement, my wife is in France with my young son
and likely to remain there for some time. This circumstance makes me so bold
as to ask you whether it would be possible to obtain a few more copies of the
print. I presume, of course, that a ·netgative of this picture must exist and would
be most happy to defray the cost of printing anything up to half a dozen copies.
Already indebted to you and your organisation for kind services on several
occasions and much helpful advice, I feel rather like Oliver Twist in daring to
ask for more ! However, I trus.t the rather special circumstances in which I
find myself may plead on my behalf and help to excuse my boldness".
Needles,s to $ay we are happy and be advis~d that our efforts are prov-
proud to be of service and we look ing satisfactory in this direction is
forward to the pleasure of continu- most heartening and is a reward en-
ing to assist all nematographers. To tirely beyond commercial interest.
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