Page 7 - pm_1952_01
P. 7
ONCE, in an emergency, I was
without my splicer and urgently
needing it. Though it is possible with
merely a sharp penknife and anything
which forms a straight-edge to make
passable joins., some kind of device
which locates the film accurately and
can exert pressure on the splice is
of course far better.
So I decided to extemporise.
Casting around, I assembled (a) one
common mouse-trap; (b) a strip of
brass; (c) a few t in. brass screws, a
tiny ~taple , and a fragment of hard
wood. These unpromising items
presently resolved the mselves into
the desired apparatus.
The pieces came together in this
fashion: First, one wood-screw's
head was cut off, and the plain por-
tion filed to sprocket-hole size and
shape; it was the n inserted into the over the sprocket-hole stud (and the
mouse-trap base with just the splice). All that now remained was to
shaped portion protruding. (Here staple the press-block to the part of
the actual joins, were to be made.) the mouse-trap that gives the mouse
Then from the brass strip two a violent pain in the neck.
pieces were cut and holes for screws The device, crude though it may
bored. A piece of film was placed seem, served the purpose, and it is
on the sprocket-hole stud and the still ready for duty if need be. Any
brass strips affixed in such fa shion enquiry as to whether it does a spot
that they accurately aligned the of mouse-catching will be regarded
film without buckling it. as unduly frivolous.
Next, from the fragment of hard Elli'I'On·"' ('Oli.MEJ\'T
wood, a tiny block was made; into
Whilst there is no desire to
one side two bradawl holes, run into promote interest in mousetraps
each other, allowed the block to fit for the purpose suggested,
dnd thus possibly contributing
to the increase in the number
of the pests, to say nothing of
wrath that may be engend<>r-
ed by the proverbial fingers in
the mouselra p, we must a p-
plaud Mr. Moore for his in-
genuity. The idea is good in
an emergency, but happily
every photographic dealer has
a supply of Pathescope Film
Menders specially designed to
enable the editing and joining
of films to be completed with
The model illustrated, P 284,
price £2 I Os. Od. and the
Bakelite type, price 15s. Od.
are available for immediate
trouble free use
Pag e Seve n