Page 6 - pm_1952_01
P. 6
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Charley Chase, a would-be song dint of careful planning and a rather
writer is convinced that music pub- large helping of luck our "hero"
lishers have hearts of stone. Com- arranges a party the "goodies"
pletely dejected, Charley has a being provided by the rival officer.
r.troke of luck when he manages to Whilst all this is being planned the
leader of the revolution is captured
sell one of his songs to the leader of
and brought to jail. In order to make
a revolutionary party in Nicoramia.
the party go with a swing Charley
His luck however changes when he
searches a round for a fourth mem-
falls foul of an Army patrol, for it ber to make up his musical quartet.
transpires that Charley is. absent
As is to be expected Charley's choice
without leave. When next we see falls upon the jailed leader and once
him the Army is in Nicoramia quel- again luck runs with Charley. His
ling a local revolution. Charley, manoeuvering of the rebel both in
forever in trouble is at loggerheads and out of jail has to be seen to be
with his senior officer, both men hav- believed. This is Charley Chase at
ing "fallen" for the same girl. By his best.
There is never a dull moment-or the way out. Having planted the
a safe one either - when the Taxi- jewels in Ben's pocket, the difficulty
boys are on the road. Here again, arises as to how to get them back.
we see Billy Gilbert and Ben Blue By the use of female charm, the
filled with good intentions, but lack- 'boys' are lured to a strange house
ing the wherewithal to carry them where the "transfer" is to take place.
out. When Diamond Joe and his Sliding .panels, trap-doors, queer
female accomplice attempt to noises and strange 'goings-on' pro-
smuggle jewellery through the cust- vide plenty of laughs and many nar-
oms, it is the two nitwits who provide row squeaks for our dumb. friends.
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are oR"eretl by tlae following dealers
EDINBU·RGH J. Lizars Ltd., 6 Shandwick Place. SILENT
BURNLEY Veitch (Chemist) Ltd., 420 Colne Road. SILENT
NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Turners Ltd., 7-11 Pink Lane. SILENT
CARDIFF T. P. Martin Ltd., 9 Castle Street. SILENT
LONDON Peach Photo & Cine Equipments,
15, Plumstead Road, S;E.18. SILENT
LONDON A. F. Carruthers, 436, Katherine Road, E.7. SILENT
Page Six