Page 8 - pm_1952_01
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•        PATH ESC 0  P E  9. 5  mm •
              ~INE  COMP.ETITION

                               (enter here the subject title)
                             ENTRY  FORM

              I wish  to submit the  enclosed  9.5  mm.  film  in  the  Pathescope 9.5  mm.
                                   Cine  Competition.

              -  ----------- ------- -- ---------------

                        UOMPETITION  NOTE~

           For  our  competition  this  month  we   almost  overnight.  Here  then  is  your
         have  chosen  the  subject,  "loca"l   opportunity  to  secur'e  the  permanent
         Scenes".  One  does  not have  to  look   record  of  your  favourite  local  scenes
         far  to  find  an  answer  to  the  ques-  and,  at  the  same  time,  provide  your
         tion  "Well,  what  shall  we  photo-  entry  into  the  competition.   Re-
         graph?"   Here  in  this  country,  or   member,  a  single  spool  of film  quali-
         wherever  you  may  be,  there  is  an  in-  fies as  your  entry.
         finite  variety  of  subjects  to  choose   Each  entry  must  be  accompanied
         from,  some  almost  round  the  corner.   by  an  entry  form.  The  stylo  of  this
         The  busy  bustling  cities  and  towns,   form  is  givon  abovo.
         the  tiny  villages.  nestling  beneath  the   Entries  must  bo  rocoivod  by  Path  -
         hillsides,  the  lonely stretches of moor-  scope  Ltd.,  at  their  offic   •not·  lator
         land,  the  churches,  castles,  sandy   than  the  21 st  day  of  the  month
         bays  and  windswept  cliffs-all  these   following   each   competition,   i.o.,
         and  many  more  can  be the source  of   closing  date  for  the  October  com-
         inspiration  for  your  film  of  "Local   petition  is  21st  November.
         Scenes".   In  these  days  of  high   Further   information   regarding
         speed  changes and town  and  country   these  competitions  will  be  found  in
         planning,  many  of  our  beauty  spots   the  June/ July  issue  of  the  Pathe-
         are  in  danger  of  being  removed   scope  Monthly.

         Pul:>li shed  by  Path ~scope L td.,  N orth  Circu!ar  Road,  N .W.2,  and  Printed  by  Albert  Clark  &  Co.,  Ltd.
                                   Cn cklewooct,  N.W ....
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