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           There  are still  many  cinematographers who  put away  their  Motocameras  upon
         the  arrival  of  the  dull  days  of  the:  year  and  await  the  advent  of the  following
         spring  with  its  promise  of  longer  and  brighter  days.  They  are  obviously  not
         aware  that  the  making  of  personal  records  is  an  all  the  year  round  possibility,
         whereas  many  thousands  know  it  to  be  an  established  fact.  The  large  volume
         of  films  received  for  processing  and  the  increasing  number  of  entries  for  the
         monthly  rivalry,  engendered  by the competitions,  bear witness to this  statement.
         Whilst  everyone  and  almost  everything  benefits  from  bright  sunny  days,  of
        which,  it  is  hoped,  there  will  be  an  abundant allocation  this  year,  it can  now  be
        stated  that,  from  the  cinematographers .point  of view,  the  state  of the  weather
         is  of  little  consequence,  and  filming  with  the  motocamera  can  be  carried  out
         irrespective  of  the  favour,  or  disfavour,  shown  by  the  Clerk  of  the  Weather.
        With  the advent of the  V.F.  Very  Fast film,  superfine  lenses,  and  the electrically
        controlled  balanced  processing,  one  of  the  drawbacks  to winter  filming,  adverse
        conditions,  has  been  overcome.  On  a  subsequent  page  of  this  magazine  will
         be  found  one  reader's  comments  on  this  film  and  numerous  others  testify  to
        the outstanding results they have obtained with  this quality  product.
          Amateur  Cinematography  is  not  just  a  passing  hobby  only  to  be  indulged  in
        when  the  weather  is  fine,  it  is  the  actual  compilation  of  personal  records  which,
        in  years  to  come,  will  bring  joy  and  pleasure  to  every  family  and  its  circle  of
        friends;  records, the value  of which  may be but vaguely estimated at the time of
        filming,  but  with  a  few  passing  years  will  become  cherished  possessions  of
        inestimable value.  These  records would  certainly not be complete without these
        delightful  pictures  taken  during  the  dull  indoor  days  when  bright  fires  and
        interiors  prevail.  With  but two  or  three  photoflood  lamps,  interior  filming  is  a
        simple  matter  and  considerable  pleasure  will  be  derived  from  this  fascinating
        aspect  of  movie  making.  There  will  be  time  for  thought  and  planning,  a
        necessity  which  is  impressed  upon  all  who  propose  to  expose  a  film,  although
        with  a  Pathescope  Motocamera  and  film  it  is  surprisingly  easy  to  produce
        living  records.  A  little  attention  to  details,  or  filming  to  a  plan,  will  always
         produce  that  little  extra  the  others  have  not  got.  In  this  connection  the
        results  that  are  being  obtained  with  the  monthly  competitions  are  very  gratify-
        ing  and  they  amply  repay  the  efforts  being  made  to  induce  planned,  instead
        of  haphazard,  filming,  whatever  the subject or  the  location,  indoors  or out,  with
        every foot of film  used  to the  best advantage.  Bring  out the  motocameras for
        winter  filming,  gain  more  knowledge  by  attention  to  details,  for  the  time  thus
        allocat,ed will  be well  and truly spent for  future  profit.
            With  the  future  in  mind,  preliminary  announcements  on  page  6  will  prove
        of  immense  interest  to  9.5mm,  enthusiasts  and  to  all  cinematographers  every-
        where.  The  introduction  of the Webo  "  M "  Special  Motocamera -  the finest
        camera  in  the  world  -  incorporating  features  and  devices  not  included  in  any
        other  model,  and  the  new  and  revolutionary  "  SON "  Sound  Projector  is  con-
        firmation  indeed  of  the  policy  to  ensure  that  Pathescope 9.5mm.  Home  Movies
        will  remain  the  first  choice  of  the  discriminating  amateur  cinematographer.
        These  two  outstanding  models  with  their  sterling  qualities  and  high  class  per-
        formance  represent  the  most  advanced  achievements  to  be  added  to  the
        extensive  range  of  apparatus  already  issued  and  backed  by the  service  derived
        from  over  38  years  experience  in  the field  of  Home  Cinematography.

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