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P. 3


                                 1!1!  PETS"

         Although  it  was  expected  that
       films  with  dogs  as  the  star  turns
       would  predominate,  it  was  hoped
       that  films  of  other  pets  would  be
       submitted  for  this  competition,.  but
       the whole  of the  entries featured  our
       four footed  friends.  Some films  also
       included  the family  cat  but,  with  one
       exception,  straight  .portraiture  was
       adopted  by  the  contestants.
         The  exception  was  submitted  by
       Mr.  G.  Wright  of  Hillingdon,  to   Several times the  ball was thrown  and
       whom the prize of £5 Os.  Od.  has been   digging  resumed,  but  the  dog  wins
       awarded.  His  film  shows  father  at-  as  father  throws  down  the  spade  in
       tempting  to  turn  over  the  vegetable   much  disgust  to  return  indoors.  A
       patch  with  the  dog,  ball  in  mouth,   nicely  planned  yet  simple  story  ex-
       persistently  worrying  him  to  play.   posed  on  one  30ft.  film.
               '!!SUGGESTIONS  PLEASE''


       Happy  Holidays                     Family  Album
       Movie  Magazine                     Holidays  A-Wheel
       A  Day  at  the  Zoo                Set  of  Baby  Titles
       Holiday  Memories                   There  will  now  be  a  short  Interval
       Many  Happy  Returns  of  the  Day   Meet  the  Family
       Homeward  Bound                     Here  and  There
         The  above  selection  of  Stock  Titles  represent  the  most  popular  choice  ascer-
       tained  from  the  hundreds  of suggestions  received  from  our  readers,  and  awards
       have  been  made  to  the following  whose  suggestions  conform  nearest to this  list.
           Mr. J. K.  Snowden,                 Mr.  A. W. Smith,
           Pickering,  Yorks.                  Stretford,  Lanes.
           £4  4s.  Od.                        £2  2s.  Od.
           Mr.  W.  Fisher,                    Mr.  B.  E.  Sills,
           Raynes  Park,  London.              IIford,  Essex.
           £2  2s.  Od.                       £2  2s.  Od.
           Mr.  W.  Bowley,                    Mr.  J.  M.  Burgoyne-Johnson,
           London,  S.W.9.                     Hampstead,  N.W.3.
           £1  Is.  Od.                       £1  Is.  Od.
         For  the set of  "  Baby "  titles  it is  proposed that these should  consist of " Our
       Baby,"  dissolving  into  -  "At  Play"  -  "Bathtime"  -  "First  Steps"  -
       " First  Birthday "  -  i.e.,  four  separate titles.  The  availability  of the$e  selected
       titles will  be announced  in  this journal in  due course.   .

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