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Indoor Cine Photography for All
Some months ago I wrote an and a 3.5 lens will give better results
article on "Script Writing" which than less light and a 1.9 lens due to
was published in this excellent little the gain in "dept~ ·?f focus". •
journal of ours, and sought after by Equip yourself -w1th four photo-
all cine enthusiasts. Since then we flood lamps at a total cost of 10/-,
have been introduced to a new and 30 ft. of V.F. film and with the ex-
much faster type of film in the Pathe- ception of a small item referred to
scope V.F. 32° Scheiner stock. below you have all the equipment
This has not only opened up new necessary for the film. Normally it
possibilities in the field of indoor is quite permissable to insert the
cine work, but has also increased the photofloods in standard lamp fittings
importance of the prepared script. without any special reflector, it is,
For most of us indoor work is however, often advantageous to have
confined to the size of the establish- a re.flector unit available.
ment we live in and in many cases The shops will sell you one at
our "Set" is limited to one or two something in the region of 25/-, but
rooms. From this it is fairly obvious by going to Woolworths or a similar
that whatever we attempt must por- store and purchasing an aluminium
tray characters performing some pudding basin and batten lamp
operation, planned prior to the film holder, together with a length of flex
being exposed. the complete unit can be obtained
Let me say here and now that this for under 5/-. The results are equal
does not in any way limit the extent to any of the proprietary brands of
of indoor photography; in fact there article. Reference to the January,
is an inherent advantage not shared 1950 issue of Pathescope Monthly
by any other form of cine work and will give full details as to the position-
it is found in the "film length". ing of lamps both in and out of re-
The indoor film more than any flectors. One point, however, a
other lends itself to the odd 30 or photo-electric exposure meter is a
60 ft. and in fact experience has great help for indoor shots especiallr
shown that the majority of good in- if one is using a 3.5 lens; not essentia ,
door amateur films run, at the most, but helpful in the first instance.
to something not exceeding I 00 ft. Finally what possibilities present
This is a most important point as it themselves? There is practically no
means that the production of an limit, but the most popular will be :
amateur film of universal interest is (a) Short Comedies.
open to all; enthusiasts who, in the (b) Educational.
past have refrained from attempting (c) Documentary.
the story film due to the cost of us- How to carry out a s.recific task,
ing 200-300 ft. of film at approx- such as building a mode aeroplane;
imately the one time, need worry no Mother making a very special cake;
more. Let us have a brief look at The construction of home-made lamp-
the equipment required. shades, carpets, etc., all lend them
First of all let me reassure all those, selves ideally to 30 ft. including a
who like me possess only a Moto- main and say two sub-titles.
camera B with a standard f3.5 lens. The key to the success of the film
With the exception of having to use is, however, in the planning and final
an oxtr one, or at the most two, scripting of the film; all the corre.ct
photofloods costing 2/3 each, you lighting in the world cannot make up
can do II +het tho chap with the 1.9 for any deficiency in this respect.
lens c n do; furth r additional light T. B. SANSOM.
Page Seven