Page 8 - pm_1951_02
P. 8
' A 30ft Comedy,,
For the February competition we wall but, due to re peat d inl < rrllf
are employing the lighter and more +ions, striking everything with hi
humourous side of life for our subject. hammer except the nail and v nlu I
With this in view the subject chosen ly finishing up "framed," or lh
is "A 30ft. Comedy." Under this daughter, in a frantic hurry to m t I
heading a vast field of opportunities the boy friend, searching high a nd
is available to everyone, and all that low for the soap which, of cours ,
is needed is a Motocamera, one 30ft. comes to light when trodden on.
charger of film and a sense of For the more slap-stick minded,
humour, the latter of which, we know, custard tarts flying through the ir
is still very conspicuous, even in these and landing fairly and squarely b -
hard and trying times. tween ~he eyes of the target or in-
cidents involving the use of flour.
Here is a subject that requires no These, of course, are evergreens and
specific conditions under which to will never lose their laughs, but a re
film, thus night or day, rain or shine, only a few of the many ideas upon
interiors or exteriors are all equally which to work for the filming of your
suitable. Bearing this in mind there entry. To dwell upon the subject
is no reason why every Motocamera and plan your film is the cardinal rule
owner should not enter for this com- for all cinematographers.
petition. The closing date for this competi-
tion is March 21st 1951, and all films
What exactly is required for your
entry? Certainly not a Danny Kaye submitted will be returned to com-
hit, yet with a little simple planning petitors after the competition closes
" A 30ft. Comedy" can prove equal- and judging has been completed.
ly amusing. For instance, the short All films must be "shot " during
episode of father hanging, or at- the month of the competition and
tempting to hang, a picture on the must be of Pathescope stock.
are offered bg the following dealer•
BIRMINGHAM. Ronald Bray (Chemists) Ltd., SILENT.
1164, Warwick Road , Acocks Groe n.
CORNWALL. W. J. Bennetts & Sons, SILENT.
16, Cross Street, Camborne.
5 & 7, West Road.
HALIFAX 2, Arcade Royal. SILENT
Timothy Whites & Tayhrs, NO POSTAL SERVICE
NOTE :- NO POSTAL SERVICE is offered by any of
Messrs. Jardine Studios, Ltd., branches.
Pu11isLod l>y l'ath-'M"<l\l< l.tcl., Nuolh Cirrular l~oad. N.\V.2. t~nrl Printed by Albert Clark & Co., Ltd.
Cricklcwot>J, N.W-2.