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RELEASES                                              SOUND

        T9678                       CARTOON                          I  REEL
               THE  SLEEPING  BEAUTY
          ONCE  UPON  A  TIME  there  lived  in  a  lonely  castle  far  from  towns  and
        people  a  Princess,  the  only  daughter  of the  Royal  couple  of  Bergenocries.  One
        day  whilst  dreaming  of  the  Prince  who  would  come  and  fetch  her,  an  old  witch
        appears  and  distributes  a  powerful  sleeping  draught  that  puts  the  Princess  and
        the  whole  court  into  deep  and  lasting  slumber.  Throughout  the  ages  various
        attempts are  made  to  break  the  spell,  but  it  is  not  until  the  20th  Century,  when
        the  Prince  arrives  and  brings  music  to  the  castle,  that  the  Princess  is  awaken.ed.
        The  story  has  a  happy  ending  with  the  two  lovers  living  HAPPILY  EVER  AFTER.
        T9675                                                        I  REEL
                 DEMONS  OF  THE  DEEP
          This  film  takes  you  fathoms  down  below  the  surface  of  the  sea,  and  tells  the
        inside  story  of  the  life  that  is  lived,  and  the  battles  that  are  fought,  by  some
        of the monsters and  midgets of the watery world.
          Here  you  see  a  giant  turtle  in  its  natural  surroundings,  a  spotted  Ray,  the
        bird-like  fish,  the  Ramora  and  Dolphin,  the  shoals  of  Blue  fish.  The  climax  of
        the  film  comes  when  a  battle  takes  place  between  a  giant  Moray  Eel  and  an
        Octopus.  An  interesting  documentary  that  will  appeal  to  all.

        M30574                      CARTOON                          I  REEL
                         SKY  PIRATES
          The  sleepy  little  aerodrome  is  brought  to  life  at  the  sound  of  reveille,  and
        it  is  with  the  greatest  effort  that  the  planes  manage  to  take  to  the  air.  The
        flight  is  attacked  by  bandits  and  all  but  one  are  destroyed.  The  survivor  man-
        ages  to  qet  to  the  Palace,  where  he  unfolds  his  tale,  and  very  soon  the  royal
        planes  take  to  the  skies  and  proceed  to  destroy  the  bandits  in  their  hideout.
        M30575                      'CARTOON                         I  REEL
                    CAPTAIN  KIDDING
          Captain  Kidding  and  his  crew  in  H.M.S.  Hopeless  are  sighted  and  attacked
 \      by  pirates and come  off second  best in  the  battle, 'during which  Captain  Kidding
        sends a  message to his  base for  aid.  The  shore  batteries open up  on  the  pirates,
  I    thus  driving  them  off.  The  crew  celebrate  their  rescue  a nd  re-name  their  ship
        H.M.S.  Hopeful  and  put  to  sea  again,  re-armed,  and  again  encounter  the
        pirates,  but  this  time  the  latter are  wiped  out  and  their  ship  taken  in  tow.

       SB30576                                                       I  REEL
               IT  HAPPENED  ONE  DAY
         The  rise  to  fame  and  fortune  is  normally  a  slow  process,  but  Charley  Chase
        proves  that  even  this  adage  can  be  somewhat  outdated.   From  the  lowly
        position  of  junior  clerk  to  becoming  a  director  of  the  firm  and  son-in-law,  after
        a  fashion,  of  the  boss,  all  in  one  day  is  Charley's  secret.
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