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The calendar recording the change of Season reminds us here in the U.K.
that it is time to edit our films, to insert suitable titles, join them up and to check
that they are in the condition we would like to have them for the entertainment
and pleasure of our audiences of family and friends, for the shows which, without
doubt, will become more frequent with the approach of the darker eve11ings
when most of our outdoor activities will cease. The Motocamera should not,
however, entirely give place to the Projector for autumnal scenes may be of a
high photographic quality and there is great interest not only with portraiture,
but with home activities, the children with their toys, table top photography,
etc., in filming under artificial light. The V.F. film, speed Scheiner 32", now
assumes a greater prominence, it requires a lens aperture some 2! stops smaller
than would be used for S.S. film under similar conditions, and with it all the year
round cinematography is practical. If the Motocamera is fixed focus, Portrait
Attachments will be required. Those available are of three types 20 inches, 40
inches and 6 ft. 6 inches.
Now also is the time when the projector should be checked over and, if not
already available, a spare lamp and belt added to the equipment. This "stitch
in time" will avert disappointment. Many Pathescope users have furnished a
room as a miniature theatre and employ effects of lighting and decor that would
not be bemeaned by comparison with the most ambitious professional set-up.
For the great number of others it would not be out of place to suggest a rehearsal
before the invitations to the Winter shows are issued. Then the setting out of
the room can be tried out, with the audience as near to fireside comfort as
convenient, the screen in a dark corner, which will not be illuminated by flickering
firelight, adequate flex with a suitable plug and alternative lighting to be readily
available between films. When the films are run at such a rehearsal it is
probable that improvement will be indicated by say the addition of a longer
lead or by cutting unnecessary lead between short films which have been joined
on a large reel.
A few years ago the Seasons were definitely marked out for us by Mote-
camera sales in the bright months and Projector sales in the darker months, but
one effect of the export drive is that with the varying Seasons of our overseas .
friends all products are in continuous demand. Although naturally we have
made every effort to meet all demands in the most gratifying expansion of
business, various raw materials are in limited supply and it has been unavoidable
that there should be a difficulty in meeting requirements for the home market,
particularly in respect of the supplies of films in chargers. Our keen interests
are with our friends in distant lands, but all our customers are good customers,
and it is far from our desire to disappoint or to inconvenience any one of them.
The year has so far brought us many visitors from overseas and it has been
our great pleasure to give them as much time as possible, not particularly to
obtain their business, for in most cases we had that already, but to show them
that our pleasure to see them was as genuine as is their's when our people go
abroad, and to try to extend a kindliness and courtesy . no less than that which
is so freoly accorded to us.
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