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ELEASES                                                   SILENT

      SB.30589   FANGS  OF  DEW  D                               3  REELS



         For some time a  colony  of silver  fox  farmers  had  been troubled  by !mysterious
      thefts  of  their  valuable  pedigree  animals.  The  aid  of  the  State  Rolice  was
     sought  and  Don  Howard,  a  young  detective,· was  assigned  the  task  of finding
      and  catching  the  criminals.  He  decided  to  rent  a  shack  near  the 1fox  farms,
      and  took with  him  Buddie,  his  young  nephew,  and  Rinty,  a  magnificent Alsatian
      hound.  His  neighbours  were  Larry  Dean  and  his  attractive  daughter! Carol.
         Still  the  thefts  continued  and  Larry's  losses  were  heavy.   Actual!~,  Queenie,
      another  Alsatian  was  the  thief,  cleverly  trained  by  Brad  and  Pete,  the  real
      criminals.  Queenie,  with  the agility  of her breed, would  scale  high  fences,  enter
      the  pedigree pens, select and carry a fox  back to her masters.
         One  day  Rintv  met Queenie  and  a  canine  friendship  developed.  As  proof
      of  her  affection  Queenie would  unselfishly  drop  her illicit  catches at Rinty's feet.
      Rinty,  innocently  carrying  one  of  Queenie's  presents  back  to  Don  was  seen  by
      Carol  who  indignantly,  and  a  little  suspiciously,  complained  to  Don.
         A  few  days  later  Carol  came  across  both  Alsatians  together,  with  Queenie
      carrying  a  fox  in  her  mouth. ·  Carol was  going to shoot  her,  but was  prevented
      by  the  chivalrous  Rinty.  At  Den's  suggestion  they  followed  Queenie  who  un-
      su$pectingly  led  them  to  the  thieves'  hide-out.  Don  sent  Carol  for  the  State
      Troopers.  He  was  seen  by  Brad  and  Pete  and  a  terrific  fight  ensued.  Rinty
      went  to  Don's  aid,  wi+h  Queenie  an  ardent  ally.  Between  them,  Don  and  the
      docjs  managed  to  stop  Brad  and  Pete  escaping  before  the  troopers  arrived.
                                                                 Paae  Fi·ve
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