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          IIJNE &  JULY - ''FESTIVAL of BRITAIN''
            I  JNEJJUL\'  -             "FLORAL F  ~CIES"

           H  is  very  noticeable  from  the   Party held  in  one  of london's  streets.
         ' nh ios  received,  that  competitors  in   long  shots,  mid-shots  and  close-ups,
         ·l·h   friendly  contests  are  becoming
         mor  and  more  adept  in  the  use  of
         th  ir  cameras.  It  is  true  that  only
         t ho  edited  versions  of these  films  are
         r  coived,  but it is  apparent that great
         care  and  planning  are  .put  into  the
         effort  before 'shooting" is undertaken.
         This,  of  course,  is  a  source  of  great
         satisfaction,  since  it  has  always  been
         our  aim  from  the  inception  of  these
         competitions  to  impress  upon  all
         cinematographers  the  need  for  fore-
                                             were  carefully  blended  whilst  camera
                                             angles were varied enough to provide
                                             a  very  pleasing  result.  To  Mr.  Butler
                                             of  london  went  the  award   of
                                             £5  Os.  Od.  cash.

                                               There  were  a  large  number  of
                                             entries  for  the  "Floral  Fancies"  con-
                                             test and  judging proved most difficult.
                                             However,  the  judges  were, unanimous
                                             in  their  decision  to  award  the  prize
                                             of  £5  Os.  Od.  to  Mr.  Hounsome  of
         t hought  and  planning  before  any                      1
         film  is  exposed.                  East  Grinstead.  His  film,  whilst  only
                                             30  ft.  in  length,  portrayed  all  the
           In  tho  June  "Festival  of  Britain"   beauty  of  the  garden  in  a  neatly
          ompotition,   Mr.  J.  Johnson,  of   arranged  sequence.  An  unretouched
         Pon+ofr act, submiHed  as  his  entry "A   "still"  taken  from  his  entry  gives  a
         Fostival W ook-end  Tour".  The  South
         13  nk  Exhibition,  the  Battersea  Fun
         F 1ir,  Regents  Park  Zoo,  and  a  brief
         glimpse  of  the  Changing  of  the
         G uard  at  Buckingham  Palace,  all  be-
         cam  "victims"  of  his  roving  camera.
         N  atly edited and  compact in  approx-
         imately  ISO  ft. of film,  Mr. Johnson's
          ntry  merited  the  award  of £5 Os.  Od.
           The  prize  winning  film  in  the  July
         "Festival  of  Britain"  competition  was
         a  departure  from  the  ordinary,  since   slight  indication  of  the  care  put  into
         it  w •s  devoted  entirely  to  a  Festival   the  shooting  of this  film.
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