Page 7 - pm_1952_01
P. 7
~~Those Negleeted ~shorts'~~
Having recovered from the first Other suggestlloris are the joining
flush of enthusiasm of owning a pro- ·of the western shorts, under the
jector and giving private film shows, possible title of "Western Omnibus",
one naturally becomes critical as to - and a record of some of the historic
what films to buy or hire. It is then events that are available on the
that the short 30ft. and 60ft. reels smaller reels. A good title for a
tend to become regarded .as merely collection of Lloyd Han;Jilton and
"beginners' " films; suitable only for Snub Pollard reels would be "Good
the youthful enthusiast 1with his Old Slapstick". All that is necessary
"ACE". then, is to remove the blank leaders
and "End" titles of the films and in-
Suitably titled and spliced on to a sert the appropriate main and sub-
super reel, however, these excellent titles.
extracts of longer films can be made
into first class magazine reels. For To the cine cameraman this idea
instance, four or five Mickey Mouse should prove a good exercise in titling,
and Silly Symphonies, linked perhaps but if a cine camera is not available,
by short nostalgic sub-titles, could be professionally made titles can easily
formed into a magazine under the be obtained from Pathescope, Ltd.
main title of "Walt Disney Memor- Whichever method is used; the build-
ies". The old Chaplin 60ft. reels ing up of these magazine films will
which were released before the war, afford great amusement and will give
and which are still available, are also those despised "Short-Shorts" a new
easily adaptable to this method. lease on life.
Rea.ders are reminded that the last of the " Festival of Britain " competitions
closes on the 21st October 1951.
As this great Festival period draws to a close there will obviously be last
minute functions and celebrations. Take this opportunity, therefore, to record
these outstanding events and, at the same time, provide an entry for this
Festival " Finale " Competition.
A prize of £5 Os. Od. cash will be awarded for the best film submitted.
~age Seven