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•    FRM  RELEASES                                               SOUND

       T9710                                            COMEDY.  2  REELS
                              OPF  THE  HORSES
          Featuring  Bert  lahr as  a  sto,kbroker's  clerk,  with  the  unfailing  ability  to  p:ck
        out  the  winners  of  the  Of  course  he  does  get  a  little  help  from
        Marvo-the  horse-racing  expert.  Faced  with  the  prospect of being  jailed,  due
        to  lack  of customers'  funds  -  Bert's  boss  enlists  his  aid  and  the  two  repair  to
        the  local  trac;k  -  there  to  win  their  fortune.  Gullible  tipsters  induce  Bert  to
        place his  bets  on  "certs"- tho:e  that never leave the  post.  The  last race is  on
       -Bert's wife  is  hot on  his  trail,  so  is  the boss and  many other people also.  Does
        Bert  come  up  smiling?  See  this  grand  little  comedy  and  find  ou~  whether
        gambling really does pay.
        T9711                                            COMEDY.  2  REELS
                             THE  TIMID  GHOST
          They  say  that  most  of  us  have  a  skeleton  in  the  cupboard  somewhere,  but
       friend  George goes one  better than that,  he  buys a  ghost.  Whilst the ghost -
       a  very  timid  ghost -  has  a  very  gentle  nature  and  good  intentions  of  helping
        his  newly  acquired  master,  he  somehow seems to do the wrong thing at the  right
       time.  Even  this wouldn't  be so  bad  if  George were  not meeting  his  prospective
       father-in-law  for  the  first  time.  However,  ghost  or  no  ghost,  George  gets  his
       way and  of course his  bride.
       T9712                                             MUSICAL.   I  REEL.
                                MAD  HATTER
         Featuring Syd Seymour and his  Mad Hatters.  If you like your music "straight"
       then  keep  away from  Syd  and  his  boys -  if  you  like  your  music  with  a  dash  of
        humour then this is the film for you.
       T9713          GATHERING  OF  TOR  CLANS          MUSICAL.  I  REEL.

         The  swirl  of  the  pipes,  as  played  by  the  Dagenham  Girl  Pipers,  is  bound  to
       bring  memories  of dear  old  Scotland.  If you  haven't  travelled  as  far  north  as
       that then this  film  will  give  you  some  ideas of the  pleasures to come.
       T9714                   THE  TWO  BOYS            MUSICAL.   I  REEL.
         Featuring  Roy  Fox  and  his  band  with  their  rendering  of  "Get Along  little
       Dogie"  and  Harry  Roy  with  his  version  of  "Seven  Different  Sweeties  a  Week".
       This  is  danoe  music  with  a  difference  -  that  difference  ~eing a  cabaret turn
       staged by  Harry Roy and his  boys.
                      FILMS  WITHDBA WN

       Please  note  the  following  (1/ms  have  now  been  withdrawn  from  our  catalogue  ·-
       T9398  Artist's in  Models          T9386  Men  against the Sea
       T9359  Thank  you,  Mr.  Silkworm   T9123  and  SB30442  Charlie  Shang-
       T9299  Smart  Footwork                haied
       T9138  Oh! Dear  Uncle              T9122  and  SB30441   Charlie   the
       T9137  Barbers Shop                   Perfect  Lady
       T9228  Sunny T essin                T9632  and SB30470  Charlie at Work
       T9226  Sea  Kings                   T91  13  and  SB30443  Cinnamon
       T9223  Arctic  Highway              T9120  Their  Broadcast
       T9225  Mountain  Barriers           T91  14  African  Squawks
       T9227  Netherlands  Old  and  New   L30593  Konkered
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