Page 15 - pm_1952_10
P. 15
Your Laboratory Manager says-
This month I intend to devote this column to various points and hints which
may assist to formulate ideas for your entry in the Cine Film Open Award for
1952. Our competition standard demands only one factor- that YOU should
submit YOUR film. \ •(
THE THEME is left entirely to the individual and matters little whether it is
original or not, provided that the technique or approach is comprehensive. The
amateur cinematographer dominates his technique and his equipment if he knows
their characteristics and limitations. The Theme and all its attendant complica-
tions must be thoroughly explored on paper to discover and remove weaknessess.
I advise a simple script giving scene by scene, which will create the atmosphere
required; then a simple shooting script of types and lengths of shots. If how-
ever you feel that you can short circuit scripting then go ahead and shoot direct
but here I feel I should add a note of warning - this method can fall completely
flat if not rigidly controlled. If in doubt as to your own capabilities I advise a
simple rule - Pa.per and Thought before Camera and Film.
THE CAMERA. After carefully examining your theme and shooting script
then go ahead and use your camera. Exposure is, of course, very important
. but is mainly resultant of experience. Provided that you are shooting in artificial
light and can increase the overall light value or that time will allow you to wait
for a very bright day - the depth of field can be increased by stopping down
the CORRECT amount to suit the increased light. Unless you wish your back-
grounds in soft focus to emphasise your subject, in which case open up the lens
diaphram, if necessary with a neutral density filter which will decrease the depth
of field. De.pth of field, of course, is the distance between the nearest point to
the camera in focus to the farthest point to the camera in focus, the subject being
placed anywhere between these points. The actual camera work again is left
to the individual, but I advise editing to smooth away dragging scenes and to
provide bright continuity and polish. One word of warning, should it be found
necessary to open up the charger for any reason - say, superimposition for
instance - always use a ,panchromatic dark room not just the darkest room or
cupboard available. It is surprising the number of films that are spoilt by over-
looking this simple point.
Remember that above all your medium is the silent screen so· that explanatory
points are necessary both in mime and titles but keep both the essentials down
to a minimum.
Are you going to do your Christmas shopping early this year? There is no
need to worry about what you should give to Uncle George or Little Willy -
amongst the goods listed in the Pathescope Price List you ·will find many items
that would prove most acceptable as a Christmas gift.
The ACE carrying case mentioned is one of the many suitable accessories
from which you can make your choice. Further the presentation of an ACE
projector to someone who has not his or her own home cinema is far from being
beyond the bounds of possibility, especially as it is sure to give so much
enjoyment wherever it is installed. Get things moving now - make it a Cine
Christmas Gift.
Page Fifteen